Ruiqing Miao
Associate Professor
Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology
(334) 844-3273
Get In Touch
208B Comer Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- 2012: Ph.D. in Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA Dissertation: Essays on Investments in New Technologies—Policy, Information, and Learning
Advisor: David A. Hennessy - 2004: M.A. in Economics, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
- 2001: B.A. in Economics (double major in International Business Management and Computer Science and Applications), Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
- 2020-present: Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn University
- 2022: Visiting Scholar, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley
- 2015-2020: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn University
- 2015-present: Affiliated Faculty Member, International Center for Climate and Global Change Research, Auburn University
- 2012-2015: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics and Energy Biosciences Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Advisor: Madhu Khanna
- 2012-2012: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Iowa State University. Advisor: David A. Hennessy
- 2011-2012: Predoctoral Research Associate, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Iowa State University. Advisor: David A. Hennessy
- 2006-2011: Graduate Assistant, Department of Economics and Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Iowa State University
- 2009 and 2010: Instructor, Summer sessions, Iowa State University
- 2005-2006: Instructor, Fudan University, China
- 2004-2005: Instructor, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
- 2003-2003: Instructor, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
- 2004-2006: Graduate Assistant, Department of Economics, Fudan University, China
- 2020-2023: Associate Editor, American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- 2021-2023: Associate Editor, Agricultural Economics
- 2021: Outstanding Journal Article 2020 of the European Review of Agricultural Economics, the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications (EAAEP) Foundation
- 2020: Outstanding Publication Award (High Scientific Impact), College of Agriculture, Auburn University
- 2019: Emerging Scholar Award, Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA)
- 2017: Dean’s Grantsmanship Award, College of Agriculture, Auburn University
- 2010: Graduate Teaching Excellence Award, Iowa State University
- 2010: Graduate and Professional Student Senate Peer Research Award, Iowa State University
- 2010: Graduate and Professional Student Senate Peer Teaching Award, Iowa State University
- 2021: Prasenjit Ghosh, SAEA Outstanding Dissertation Award
- 2021: Brian Cornish, Presidential Graduate Opportunity Program Fellowship, Auburn University
Involving High School Students in An Active EFRI Project: Super Critical Extraction for the Elimination of End-of-Life Plastics (SCE3P).
Mitigating Climate Change with the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP): The Role of Carbon Credits and CRP Re-Design
AI in Agroecosystems: Big Data and Smart Technology-Driven Sustainable Production (Multistate Research Project S-1090)
Designing Agrivoltaics for Sustainably Intensifying Food and Energy Production
EFRI E3P: Supercritical Extraction for the Elimination of End-of-Life Plastics (SCE3P)
INFEWS U.S.-China: Integrated Systems Modeling for Sustainable FEW Nexus under Multi-factor Global Changes: Innovative Comparison between the Yellow River and Mississippi River Basins
Exploring plant-microbiome-environment interactions towards tailoring plant disease management
‘Bee’ Productive and ‘Bee’ Safe: A Study of Apiculture Productivity and Apiculture Pilot Insurance Program
Reducing Antibiotic Use in Catfish Aquaculture: A New Approach to Control Enteric Septicemia of Catfish (ESC) Using CRISP
Production Risk of Alabama Agriculture: Its Determinants and the Effects of Risk Management Tools on Farmers’ Production Efficiency and Welfare
Understanding and Advancing Agroclimate Forecasting for Decision Making
Incentivizing Feedstock Supply for the Bioeconomy: Implications for Ecosystem Services and Policy Design
Establishing and Promoting Regional and Farm-Specific Brands for Specialty Crops in Alabama
Risk Mitigation Strategies to Induce Participation in the Advanced Biofuel Industry by Small/ Medium-Sized Farmers: Effectiveness and Implications for Policy Design
Auburn University [student evaluation score in the brackets]
Spring 2022 Guest lecture for Quantitative Policy Analysis (ARE 242), Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 4/13/2022
Fall 2021 Computer Applications in Agricultural Economics (AGEC 3100)
Fall 2021 Production Economics (I) (AGEC 7080, PhD level)
Spring 2021 Independent Study with Directed Readings (AGEC 4960)
Fall 2020 Food and Agricultural Policy (AGEC 8090, PhD level), online [5.6/6]
Fall 2020 Computer Applications in Agricultural Economics (AGEC 3100), online [5.2/6]
Spring 2020 Guest lecture for Mineral Resources: Processing and Availability (MATL 2230), 2/13/2020
Fall 2019 Production Economics (I) (AGEC 7080, PhD level) [5.3/6]
Fall 2019 Computer Applications in Agricultural Economics (AGEC 3100) [5.2/6]
Spring 2019 Food and Agricultural Policy (AGEC 8090, PhD level) [6/6]
Fall 2018 Computer Applications in Agricultural Economics (AGEC 3100) [5.3/6]
Fall 2018 Guest lecture for Mineral Resources: Processing and Availability (MATL 2230), 9/27/2018
Fall 2018 Guest lecture for Food, Agriculture, and Society (RSOC 3190), 10/8/2018
Fall 2017 Computer Applications in Agricultural Economics (AGEC 3100) [4.9/6]
Fall 2017 Independent Study with Directed Readings (AGEC 4960)
Fall 2017 Food and Agricultural Policy (AGEC 8090, PhD level) [5.7/6]
Fall 2016 Computer Applications in Agricultural Economics (AGEC 3100) [5.1/6]
Spring 2016 Computer Applications in Agricultural Economics (AGEC 3100) [4.8/6]
(* indicates student co-authors)
Miao, Ruiqing, David A. Hennessy, and Hongli Feng. 2022. “Grassland Easement Evaluation and Acquisition: An Integrated Framework.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(1):4161. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/cjag.12302
Khanna, Madhu and Ruiqing Miao. 2022. “Inducing Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture: Insights from Applied Economics.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66(1):1-23. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8489.12461
Awolala, David Olufemi, Igbekele Amos Ajibefun, Kehinde Ogunjobi, and Ruiqing Miao. 2022. “Integrated Assessment of Human Vulnerability to Extreme Climate Hazards: Emerging Outcomes for Adaptation Finance Allocation in Southwest Nigeria.” Climate and Development 14(2):166183. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2021.1898925
Cornish, Brian*, Ruiqing Miao, and Madhu Khanna. 2021. “Impact of changes in Title II of the 2018 Farm Bill on the Acreage and Environmental Benefits of Conservation Reserve Program.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. doi: http://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13185
Ghosh, Prasenjit*, Ruiqing Miao, and Emir Malikov. 2021. “Crop Insurance Premium Subsidy and Irrigation Water Withdrawals in the Western United States.” The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance -Issues and Practice. doi: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41288-021-00252-4
Yu, Chengzheng*, Ruiqing Miao, and Madhu Khanna. 2021. “Maladaptation of U.S. Corn and Soybeans to a Changing Climate.” Scientific Reports 11:12351. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41598-021-91192-5
Malikov, Emir, Ruiqing Miao, and Jingfang Zhang*. 2020. “Distributional and Temporal Heterogeneity in the Climate Change Effects on U.S. Agriculture.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 104:1-10. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2020.102386
Li, Yijia*, Ruiqing Miao, and Madhu Khanna. 2020. “Neonicotinoids and Decline in Bird Biodiversity in the United States.” Nature Sustainability 3:1027-1035. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41893-020-0582-x
Miao, Ruiqing. 2020. “Climate, Insurance, and Innovation: The Case of Drought and Innovations in Drought-Tolerant Traits in U.S. Agriculture.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 47(5):1826-1860. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/jbaa010 (Outstanding Journal Article 2020 Award)
Miao, Ruiqing and Madhu Khanna. 2020. “Harnessing Advances in Agricultural Technologies to Optimize Resource Utilization in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus.” Annual Review of Resource Economics 12:65-85. doi: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-resource-110319-115428
Li, Yijia*, Ruiqing Miao, and Madhu Khanna. 2019. “Effects of Ethanol Plant Proximity and Crop Prices on Land-Use Change in the United States.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(2):467-491. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aay080
Miao, Ruiqing, Prasenjit N. Ghosh*, Madhu Khanna, Weiwei Wang, and Jian Rong. 2019. “Effect of Wind Turbines on Bird Abundance: a National Scale Analysis based on Fixed Effects Models.” Energy Policy 132:357-366. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2019.04.040
Schillerberg, Tayler A.*, Di Tian, and Ruiqing Miao. 2019. “Spatiotemporal patterns of maize and winter wheat yields in the United States: predictability and impact from climate oscillations.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 275:208-222. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019. 05.019
Anand, Mohit*, Ruiqing Miao, and Madhu Khanna. 2019. “Adopting Bioenergy Crops: Does Farmers’ Attitude toward Loss Matter?” Agricultural Economics 50(4):435-450. doi: https://doi. org/10.1111/agec.12501
Wilson, Norbert L.W., Ruiqing Miao, and Carter S. Weis*. 2019. “When in Doubt Throw It Out! The Complicated Decision to Consume or Waste Food by Date Labels.” Choices 34(1):1-7.
Wilson, Norbert L.W., Ruiqing Miao, and Carter S. Weis*. 2018. “Seeing is Not Believing: Perceptions of Date Labels over Food and Attributes.” Journal of Food Products Marketing 24(5):611631. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10454446.2018.1472700
Tian, Hanqin, Chaoqun Lu, Shufen Pan, Jia Yang, Ruiqing Miao, Wen Ren, Qiang Yu, Bojie Fu, Fei-Fei Jin, Yonglong Lu, Jerry Melillo, Zhiyun Ouyang, Cheryl Palm, John Reilly. 2018. “Optimizing Resource Use Efficiencies in the Food-Energy-Water nexus for Sustainable Agriculture: From Conceptual Model to Decision Support System.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 33:104-113. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2018.04.003
Miao, Ruiqing and Madhu Khanna. 2017. “Effectiveness of the Biomass Crop Assistance Program: Roles of Behavioral Factors, Credit Constraint, and Program Design.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 39(4): 584-608. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/aepp/ppx031
Miao, Ruiqing and Madhu Khanna. 2017. “Costs of Meeting a Cellulosic Biofuel Mandate with Perennial Energy Crops: Implications for Policy.” Energy Economics 64: 321-334. doi: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2017.03.018
Miao, Ruiqing, Madhu Khanna, and Haixiao Huang. 2016. “Responsiveness of Crop Yield and Acreage to Price and Climate.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(1): 191-211. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aav025
Miao, Ruiqing, David A. Hennessy, and Hongli Feng. 2016. “The Effect of Crop Insurance Subsidies and Sodsaver on Land Use Change.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 41(2): 247-265.
Miao, Ruiqing, Hongli Feng, David A. Hennessy, and Xiaodong Du. 2016. “Assessing Cost-effectiveness of the Conservation Reserve Program and Its Interaction with Crop Insurance Subsidies”. Land Economics 92(4): 593-617. doi: https://doi.org/10.3368/le.92.4.593
Miao, Ruiqing and David A. Hennessy. 2015. “Optimal Protein Segregation Strategies for Wheat Growers.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 63(3): 309-331. doi: https://doi.org/10. 1111/cjag.12046
Du, Xiaodong, Cindy L. Yu, David A. Hennessy, and Ruiqing Miao. 2015. “Geography of Crop Yield Skewness.” Agricultural Economics. 46(4): 463-473 (lead article). doi: https://doi.org/10. 1111/agec.12174
Miao, Ruiqing, David A. Hennessy, and Hongli Feng. 2014. “Sodbusting, Crop Insurance and Sunk Conversion Costs.” Land Economics. 90(4): 601-622. doi: https://doi.org/10.3368/le.90.4. 601
Miao, Ruiqing and Madhu Khanna. 2014. “Are Bioenergy Crops Riskier than Corn? Implications for Biomass Price”. Choices. 29(1).
Miao, Ruiqing and David A. Hennessy. 2014. “To Learn or To Change: Optimal R&D Investments under Uncertainty in the Case of Climate Change.” Natural Resource Modeling. 27(2): 235-257. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/nrm.12032
Miao, Ruiqing. 2013. “Impact of Ethanol Plants on Local Land Use Change.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 42(2): 275-293. doi: https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.155314
Feng, Hongli, David A. Hennessy, and Ruiqing Miao. 2013. “The Effects of Government Payments on Native Grassland Conversion, the CRP, and Corn Acreage Changes in the Dakotas.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics (proceedings issue). 95(2): 412-418. doi: https:// doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aas112
Miao, Ruiqing, David A. Hennessy, and Bruce A. Babcock. 2012. “Investment in Cellulosic Bio-fuel Refineries: Do Waivable Biofuel Mandates Matter?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 94(3): 750-762. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aar142
Miao, Ruiqing. 2011. “Bargaining between Firms and Environmental Protection Bureaus: Water Pollution in China.” China Agricultural Economic Review. 3(1): 80-91. doi: https://doi.org/10. 1108/17561371111103561
Khanna, Madhu, David Zilberman, and Ruiqing Miao. 2017. “Innovation in Agriculture: Incentives for Adoption and Supply Chain Development for Energy Crops.” In Madhu Khanna and David Zilberman ed. Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy (Volume II), Springer Publishers.