John P. Beasley
Emeritus (Agronomic Crops)
(334) 844-4100
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233B Funchess Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
Dr. John Palmer Beasley Jr. is Professor emeritus and was the Head of the Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences at Auburn University. He joined the Auburn University faculty in January 2014. He is a native of Columbia, AL.
Dr. Beasley was a Professor of Crop and Soil Sciences and Extension Peanut Agronomist in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at the University of Georgia from 1985 until his retirement on January 1, 2014. He was a member of the graduate faculty at UGA and served as the Research, Extension and Instruction Coordinator for the Crop and Soil Sciences Department on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus. During his career with the University of Georgia, Dr. Beasley’s Extension and applied research program focused on peanut agronomics. He also taught classes in Crop Production and Management (CRSS 4300), Seed Technology (CRSS 4310/6310), and Advanced Crop Production (CRSS 8050).
Dr. Beasley received his B.S. degree in Agronomy & Soils from Auburn University in 1979, his M.S. degree in Agronomy (peanut breeding) from Oklahoma State University in 1981, and his Ph.D. degree in Agronomy (cotton breeding and genetics) from Louisiana State University in 1985. He has received over 30 awards in his career, including being named a Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America and the American Peanut Research and Education Society. Dr. Beasley was also named the Crop Science Extension Education Award recipient by the Crop Science Society of America and is a recipient of the Coyt T. Wilson Distinguished Service Award from the American Peanut Research and Education Society.
1985 | Ph.D., Louisiana State University (Agronomy) |
1981 | M.S., Oklahoma State University (Agronomy) |
1979 | B.S., Auburn University (Agronomy & Soils) |
2014-2023 | Professor and Head, Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences | Auburn University |
1996-2013 | Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences Department | University of Georgia |
1991-1996 | Associate Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences Department | University of Georgia |
1985-1991 | Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences Department | University of Georgia |
- Named Fellow of Crop Science Society of America, 2014
- Crop Science Extension Education Award – Awarded by the Crop Science Society of America, 2014
- Georgia Peanut Distinguished Service Award – awarded by Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts, 2014
- Lifetime Achievement Award – presented by the Georgia Crop Production Alliance, 2013
- Coyt T. Wilson Distinguished Service Award – presented by the American Peanut Research and Education Society, 2013
- Peanut Research and Education Award – presented by the American Peanut Council, 2013
- Specialist of the Year Award – presented by the Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2012
- Distinguished Service Award – presented by the Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2012
- Distinguished Service Award – presented by the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2011
- Distinguished Service Award – presented by the Georgia Crop Improvement Association for dedicated service to the Georgia Certified seed program, 2011
- President’s Award – awarded by National Peanut Buying Points Association, 2010
- Georgia Peanut Distinguished Service Award – awarded by Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts, 2007
- D.W. Brooks Award of Excellence presented by UGA-College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2006
- Award of Excellence for Senior Scientist – Extension, presented by the Faculty and Staff of the University of Georgia – Tifton Campus, 2005
- Career Award in Technology Transfer, presented by the Southern Branch – American Society of Agronomy, 2005
- Distinguished Service Award, presented by the Georgia Crop Improvement Association for dedicated service to the Georgia Certified seed program, 2005
- Valor Award, presented by the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation for dedicated service to peanut producers in the Southeastern United States and numerous contributions to the Peanut Industry, 2004
- Certificate of Excellence from American Society of Agronomy, Extension Education Division, for Outstanding Publication in “Publications < 16 pages” Category, 2003
- Named Fellow of American Society of Agronomy, 2003
- Named Fellow of American Peanut Research and Education Society, 2002
- Peanut Research and Education Award, from Georgia Peanut Commission, 2001
- Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts Georgia Peanut Research and Education Award as a member of the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Team. 2000
- American Society of Agronomy Certificate of Excellence for Development of Agronomic Educational Material in the category of Internet Home Page, 1998
- American Society of Agronomy Certificate of Excellence for Development of Agronomic Educational Material in the Category of publications, 1998
- Dow AgroSciences Award of Excellence in Education from American Peanut Research and Education Society, 1998
- American Society of Agronomy Certificate of Excellence for Development of Agronomic Educational Material in the Category of Newsletters, 1996
- Georgia Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts Georgia Peanut Research and Education Award as member of Georgia Peanut Tour Committee, 1996
- American Society of Agronomy Certificate of Excellence for Development of Agronomic Educational Material in the Category of Videos, 1995
- Southern Branch, American Society of Agronomy “Early Career Award in Technology Transfer”, 1995
- Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents “Achievement Award”, 1994
- National Association of County Agricultural Agents “Achievement Award”, 1994
- Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents State Winner in “Specialist Publication”, 1993
- American Society of Agronomy Certificate of Excellence for Development of Agronomic Educational Material in the Category of Videos, 1993
- Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents “Young Professional Award”, 1991
- Presentations at professional society meetings – 79
- Book chapters – 2
- Referred Journal Articles – 28
- Abstracts and Proceedings – 135
- Extension publications (bulletins and chapters in production guides) – 134
- Extension leaflets and circulars – 5
- Extension newsletter articles – 699
- Popular Press articles – 272
- Research-Extension Reports – 77
- Presentations at County Extension Agent In-Service Training Sessions – 104
- Presentations at County Extension Meetings – 1,069
- Invited presentations at industry meetings, workshops and short courses – 300 (13 international)
- Presentations at Field Days – 80
- Television programs – 240
- Radio programs – 343
- Competitive Grants received – $2,144,259
- Non-Competitive Grants – $171,450
- Sarver, J.M., R.S. Tubbs, J.P. Beasley, Jr., A.K. Culbreath, T.L. Grey, D.L. Rowland and N.B. Smith. 2017. Evaluating Plant Population and Replant Method Effects on Peanut Planted in Twin Rows. Peanut Sci., Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 19-25, https://doi.org/10.3146/PS16-14.1
- Arnold, II, J.A., J.P. Beasley, Jr., G.H. Harris, T.L. Grey and M. Cabrera. 2017. Effect of Gypsum application rate, soil type, and soil calcium on Yield, Grade and Seed Quality of Runner Type Peanut Cultivars. Peanut Sci., Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 13-18, DOI: 10.3146/PS16-14.1
- Isleib, T.G., J.L. Day, A.E. Coy, J.P. Beasley, Jr. and W.D. Branc. 2014. Genotype-by-Irrigation- Interaction in the Georgia Peanut Official Variety Test. Peanut Sci. Vol. 41, issue 2, pp.1-7, DOI: 10.314679-41.1.1
- Vellidis, G., B.V. Ortiz, J.P. Beasley, Jr., R. Hill, H. Henry and H. Brannen. 2014. Reducing Digging losses nu using automated steering to plant and invert peanuts. Agron. J. 4(3), 337-348; doi: 10.3390/agronomy4030337
- Culbreath, A.K.,R.S. Tubbs, B.L. Tillman, J.P. Beasley, W.D. Branch, C.C. Holbrook, A.R. Smith, and N.B. Smith. 2013. Effects of seeding rate and cultivar on tomato spotted wilt of peanut.Crop Protection 53:118-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2013.07.001
- Rowland, D., N. Puppala, J.P. Beasley, M. Burrow, D. Gorbet, D. Jordan, H. Melouk, C. Simpson, J. Bostick, and J. Ferrell. 2012. Variation in carbon isotope ratio and its relation to other traits in pepanut breeding lins and cultivars from U.S. trials. J. Plant Breeding and Crop Sci. Vol. 4 (9), pp. 144-155. doi: 10.5897/JPBCS12.031.
- Tubbs, R.S., G.H. Harris, J.P. Beasley, A.R. Smith, and N.B. Smith. 2012. Effect of inoculant and nitrogen application at planting on peanut production in Georgia. Online. Crop Management. doi:10.1094/CM-2012-0823-01-RS
- J. A. Howe,* R. J. Florence, G. Harris, E. van Santen, J. P. Beasley, J. P. Bostick, and K. B. Balkcom. 2012. Effect of Cultivar, Irrigation, and Soil Calcium on Runner Peanut Response to Gypsum. Agron. J. 104:1312-1320 (2012).
- Culbreath, A. K., W. D. Branch, J. P. Beasley, Jr., R. S. Tubbs, and C. C. Holbrook. 2012. Peanut genotype and seeding rate effects on spotted wilt. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2012-0227-03-RS.
- Grey, T.L., J.P. Beasley, Jr., T.M. Webster, and C. Chen. 2011. Peanut seed vigor evaluation using a thermal gradient. Inter. J. of Agronomy. doi: 10.1155/2011/202341.
- *Jackson, J.L., J.P. Beasley, Jr., R.S. Tubbs, R.D. Lee, and T.L. Grey. 2011. Fall-bedding for reduced digging losses and improved yield in strip-till peanut. Peanut Sci. 38:31-40. DOI: 10.3146/0095-3679-38.1.31.
- Tubbs, R.S., J.P. Beasley, Jr., A.K. Culbreath, R.C. Kemerait, N.B. Smith, and A.R. Smith. 2011. Row pattern and seeding rate effects on agronomic, disease, and economic factors in large-seeded runner-peanut. Peanut Sci. 38:93-100.
- Branch, W.D., J.P. Bostick, E.J. Williams, and J.P. Beasley, Jr. 2010. Determination of the relative maturity range for the ‘Georgia-02C’ peanut cultivar. Peanut Sci.
- Pingintha, N., M.Y. Leclerc, J.P. Beasley, Jr., and G. Zhang. 2010. Influence of drying and rapid rewetting of soil on soil CO2 efflux. Applied Soil Ecology.
- Culbreath, A.K., B.L. Tillman, R.S. Tubbs, J.P. Beasley, Jr., R.C. Kemerait, and T.B. Brenneman. 2010. Interactive effects of planting date and cultivar on tomato spotted wilt of peanut. Plant Dis. 94(7):898-904, doi:10.1094/pdis-94-0898.
- Rowland, D. L., Beasley, J. P., Faircloth, W. H. 2010. Genotypic Differences in Current Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Cultivars in Phenology and Stability of These Traits under Different Irrigation Scheduling Methods. Peanut Science, 37(2), 110-123. [DOI:10.3146/PS08-023.1]
- Pingintha, N., Leclerc, M. Y., Beasley, J. P., Durden, D., Zhang, Q., Senthong, C., Rowland, D. L. 2010. Hysteresis response of daytime net ecosystem exchange during drought. Biogeosciences, 7, 1159-1170.