Joey N. Shaw
Emeritus (Pedology)
(334) 844-3957
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212 Funchess Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- 1998 Ph.D., University of Georgia (Soil Science)
- 1993 M.S., University of Maryland (Soil Science)
- 1988 B.S., James Madison University (Biology)
- 2013-2023 Professor
- 2008-13 Alumni Professor, Auburn University
- 2007-08 Professor, Auburn University
- 2003-07 Associate Professor, Auburn University
- 1998-03 Assistant Professor, Auburn University
- Elected chair of Soil Science Society of America Division S-9 (Soil Mineralogy) (2004).
- Elected chair of Soil Science Society of America Division S-5 (Pedology) (2015).
- Appointed Associate Editor of Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Publications:
- Soil Science Society of America Journal (2005-2007)
- Received Citation of Excellence for Associate Editors (2007).
- Soil Survey Horizons (1999-2001)
- Appointed to Editorial Board for Geoderma (2011-2016).
- Recipient of the Auburn University Student Government Association College of Agriculture Outstanding Faculty Award (2015).
- Recipient of the College of Agriculture Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence (2015).
- Recipient of Auburn Alumni Association Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award (2008).
- Recipient of 2002, 2008, 2010 and 2012 Agronomy and Soils Department (Agronomy Club) Outstanding Teacher Award.
- President, Auburn University’s Gamma Sigma Delta – Honor Society for the College of Agriculture (2000-2002).
- Coached Auburn Soil Judging team in first place finish in 2003 (hosted by Texas A&M University) and 2015 (hosted by the University of Arkansas-Monticello) National Collegiate Soil Judging Contest.
- Coached the United States Soil Judging Team (Team USA) at the International Year of Soils Field Course and Soil Judging Contest in Gödöllő, Hungary, Szent Istvan University (2015). Team USA won the international contest.
- Appointed to Advisory Council of Alabama Professional Soil Classifier Registration Board (00-15).
- Appointed to various USDA-NRCS National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) committees including Advisory Group to the Director of the Soil Survey Division (06-14), National Standards Committee (13-15), Illustrated Guide to Soil Taxonomy (12-14), Southeastern Regional Taxonomy Committee (07-11), etc.
- Appointed to various Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) committees including Soil Taxonomy Task Force (15-16), Soil Judging (04-05), Soil Micromorphology (04), President and Division Chair nominations committee (various), etc.
Soils are the foundation for ecosystems and their function. Because of the variety of roles soils play in both natural and managed landscapes, my research spans several areas. The foundation of our program is the exploration of properties, formation, classification and distribution of soils across landscapes. Specific projects investigate the characterization and evaluation of land use and human impacts on dynamic soil properties and soil quality, the clay mineralogy and associated properties and function of certain southeastern U.S. soils, and the utilization of geospatial applications in soil science and agronomic realms.
- ENVI 1020 Fundamentals of Environmental Science
- CSES 4200 Soil Judging
- CSES 4210 Advanced Soil Judging
- CSES 5150/6150 Soil Morphology
- CSES 7560 Clay Mineralogy
• *White, M.L., J.N. Shaw, R.L. Raper, D. Rodekohr and C.W. Wood. 2012. A multivariate approach to high resolution soil survey development. Soil Sci. 177:345-354.
• West, L.T., J.N. Shaw, and F.H. Beinroth. 2012. Ultisols. p. (33)167-(33)177. In P.M. Huang, Y. Li, and M.E. Sumner (ed.). Handbook of Soil Sciences. 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
• Stiles, C.A., R. D. Hammer, M. G. Johnson, R. Ferguson, J. Galbraith, T. O’Geen, J. Arriaga, J.N. Shaw, A. Falen, P. McDaniel and R. Miles. 2011. Validation Testing of a Portable Kit for Measuring an Active Soil Carbon Fraction. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:2330-2340.
• He, J., M. Dougherty, J.N. Shaw, J.P. Fulton and F. Arriaga. 2011. Hydraulic management of a soil moisture controlled SDI wastewater dispersal system in an Alabama Black Belt soil. J. Environ. Management. 92:2479-2485.
• *Levi, M.R., J.N. Shaw, C.W. Wood, S.M. Hermann, E.A. Carter and Y. Feng. 2010. Land management effects on near-surface soil properties in Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain ecosystems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74: 258–271.
• Shaw, J.N., B.F. Hajek and J.M. Beck. 2010. Highly Weathered Mineralogy of Select Soils from Southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain and Piedmont Landscapes. Geoderma. 154:447-456.
• *Gacengo, C.N., C.W. Wood, J.N. Shaw, R.L. Raper, and K.S. Balkcom. 2009. Agroecosystem management effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions across a Coastal Plain Catena. Soil Sci. 174:229-237.
• Truman, C.C., J.N. Shaw, D.C. Flanagan, D.W. Reeves and J.A. Ascough. 2009. Conservation Tillage to Effectively Reduce Interrill Erodibility of Highly-Weathered Ultisols. J. Soil Water Cons. 64(4):265-275.
• *Causarano, H.J., A.J. Franzluebbers, J.N. Shaw, D.W. Reeves, R.L. Raper and C. W. Wood. 2008. Soil Organic Carbon Fractions and Aggregation in the Southern Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72: 221–230.
• Sullivan, D.G., J.P Fulton, J.N. Shaw and G. Bland. 2007. Evaluating the sensitivity of an unmanned thermal infrared aerial system to detect water stress in a cotton canopy. Trans. Am. Soc. Ag. Biol. Eng. 50:1963-1969.
• Sullivan, D.G., J.N. Shaw, A. J. Price and E. van Santen. 2007. Spectral Reflectance Properties of Winter Cover Crops in the Southeastern Coastal Plain. Agron. J. 99:1587-1596.
• Schoonover, J.E., B.G. Lockaby, and J.N. Shaw. 2007. Channel morphology and sediment origin in streams draining the Georgia Piedmont. J. Hydrology. 342:110-123.
• *Causarano, H.J., J.N. Shaw, A. J. Franzluebbers, D.W. Reeves, R.L. Raper, K.S. Balkcom, M. L. Norfleet, and R. Izaurralde. 2007. Simulating Field Scale Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Using EPIC. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:1174-1185.
• Balkcom, K., J.N. Shaw, D.W. Reeves, C.H. Burmester, and L.M. Curtis. 2007. Cotton Biomass, Leaf Nitrogen, and Soil Water Content across Irrigated Tillage Systems in the Tennessee Valley. J. Cotton Sci. 11:2-11.
• *Causarano, H.J., A.J. Franzluebbers, D.W. Reeves, and J.N. Shaw. 2006. Soil organic carbon sequestration in cotton production systems of the Southeast USA: A review. J. Env. Qual.35: 1374 1383.
• *Terra, J.A., J.N. Shaw, D. W. Reeves, R. L. Raper, E. van Santen, E. B. Schwab, and P. L. Mask. 2006. Soil management and landscape variability affects field-scale cotton productivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:98-107
• *Sullivan, D.G, J.N. Shaw, D. Rickman, P.L. Mask, J.M. Wersinger, and J. Luvall. 2005. Using remote sensing data to evaluate surface soil properties in Alabama Ultisols. Soil Sci.170:954-968.
• *Terra, J.A., D.W. Reeves, J.N. Shaw and R.L. Raper. 2005. Impact of landscape attributes on C sequestration during the transition from conventional to conservation management practices on a Coastal Plain field. J. Soil Water Cons. 60(6): 438-445.
• Balkcom, K., J. A. Terra, J.N. Shaw, D.W. Reeves and R.L. Raper. 2005. Soil management system and landscape position interactions on nutrient distribution in a Coastal Plain field. J. Soil Water Cons. 60(6):431-437.
• *Sullivan, D.G, J.N. Shaw, and D. Rickman. 2005. Using IKONOS imagery to estimate surface soil property variability in two Alabama physiographies. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69: 1789-1798.
• Truman, C.C., J.N. Shaw, and D.W. Reeves. 2005. Tillage effects on rainfall partitioning and sediment yield from an Ultisol in Central Alabama J. Soil Water Cons. 60:89-98.
• *Terra, J. A., J.N. Shaw, D.W. Reeves, R.L. Raper, E. van Santen and P.L. Mask. 2004. Soil carbon relationships with terrain attributes, electrical conductivity, and a soil survey in a coastal plain landscape. Soil Sci.169:819-831.
• *Sullivan, D.G., J.N. Shaw, P. L. Mask, D. Rickman, E. A. Guertal, J. Luvall, and J. M. Wersinger. 2004. Evaluation of Multispectral Data for Rapid Assessment of Wheat Straw Residue Cover. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68: 2007-2013.
• *Sullivan, D.G, J.N. Shaw, P.L. Mask, D.L. Rickman, J. Luvall, and J.M. Wersinger. 2004. Evaluating Corn (Zea Mays L.) N Variability Via Remote Sensed Data. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 35(17/18) 2465-2483.
• Shaw, J.N., L.T. West, D.D. Bosch, C.C. Truman and D.S. Leigh. 2004. Parent material influence on soil distribution and genesis in a Paleudult and Kandiudult (Southeastern USA) complex. Catena. 57:157-174.
• *Thompson, A.N., J.N. Shaw, P.L. Mask, J.T. Touchton and D. Rickman. 2004. Soil sampling techniques for Alabama grain fields. Prec. Ag. 5:345-358.
• Guertal, E.A. and J.N. Shaw. 2004. Multispectral radiometer signatures for stress evaluation in compacted bermudagrass turf. HortScience. 39(2) 403-407.
• Wehtje, G. R., J.N. Shaw, R.H. Walker, and W. Williams. 2003. Bermudagrass growth in soil supplemented with selected inorganic amendments. HortScience. 38:613-617.
• Shaw, J.N., J.W. Odom, and B.F. Hajek. 2003. Soils on Quaternary Terraces of the Tallapoosa River, Central Alabama, USA. Soil Sci. 168:707-717
• Norfleet, M.L., C.A. Ditzler, R.B. Grossman, J.N. Shaw and W.E. Puckett. 2003. Soil Quality and Its Relationship to Pedology. Soil Sci. 168:149-155.
• Shaw, J.N. and P.L. Mask. 2003. Crop residue effects on electrical conductivity of Tennessee Valley soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34:747-763.
• Shaw, J.N., D.W. Reeves, and C.C. Truman. 2003. Clay mineralogy and dispersibility of soil and sediment derived from Rhodic Paleudults. Soil Sci. 168: 209-217.
• Shaw, J.N., C.C. Truman and D.W. Reeves. 2002. Mineralogy of eroded sediments derived from highly weathered soils. Soil Tillage Research. 68:59-69.
• Shaw, J.N. and E.A. Carter. 2002. Timber harvesting effects on spatial variability of southeastern U.S. Piedmont soil properties. Soil Sci. 167:288-302.
• Shaw, J.N. 2002. Ultisols. In R. Lal (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker Publishers, New York, NY. Print ISBN: 0 8247 0634 X, Online ISBN: 0 8247 0518 1.
• Shaw, J.N. and L.T. West. 2002. Sesquioxides. In R. Lal (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker Publishers, New York, NY. Print ISBN: 0 8247 0634 X, Online ISBN: 0 8247 0518 1.
• *Beck, J.M, J.N. Shaw, P.L. Chaney, and J.E. Hairston. 2002. Image to image rectification for recompilation and digitization of soil survey maps. J. Soil Water Cons. 57:95-100.
• Shaw, J.N., D.D. Bosch, L.T. West, C.C. Truman and D.E. Radcliffe. 2001. Lateral flow in loamy to sandy kandiudults of the upper coastal plain of Georgia (USA) Geoderma. 99:1-25.
• Shaw, J.N. 2001. Iron and Aluminum Oxide Characterization for Highly Weathered Alabama Ultisols. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32(1&2):49-64.
• Shaw, J.N., L.T. West, and B.F. Hajek. 2001. Ca-Mg Ratios for evaluating pedogenesis in the Piedmont Province of the Southeastern U.S.A. Can. J. Soil Sci. 81:415-421.
• Shaw, J.N., L.T. West, D.E. Radcliffe, and D.D. Bosch. 2000. Preferential flow and pedotransfer functions for transport properties in sandy Kandiudults. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:670-678.
• Shaw, J.N. and M.C. Rabenhorst. 1999. Pedogenic and morphological characteristics of marl derived soils in the Great Limestone Valley. Soil Sci. 164:936-945.
• West, L.T., J.N. Shaw, E.R. Blood, and L.K. Kirkman. 1998. Correlation of water tables to redoximorphic features in the Dougherty Plain, Southwest Georgia. In M.C. Rabenhorst, J.C. Bell, P.A. McDaniel (eds.), Quantifying Soil Hydromorphology. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. Spec. Publication Number 54.
• Shaw, J.N., L.T. West, C.C. Truman, and D.R. Radcliffe. 1997. Morphologic and hydraulic properties of soils with water restrictive horizons in the Georgia Coastal Plain. Soil Sci. 162:875-885.
• Shaw, J.N. and M.C. Rabenhorst. 1997. The geomorphology, characteristics, and origin of the freshwater marl sediments in the Great Limestone Valley, Maryland, USA. Catena 30:41-59.