Jessica D. Starkey
Associate Professor
Poultry Science
(334) 844-2790
(334) 703-8542
Get In Touch
202-C Poultry Science Building
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- 2008: Ph.D., Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
- 2003: M.S., Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
- 2001: B.S., Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
- October 2021-present: Associate Professor with Tenure, Auburn University Department of Poultry Science, Auburn, AL
- August 2014-September 2021: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Auburn University Department of Poultry Science, Auburn, AL
- June 2012-present: Starkey Consulting Services
- October 2012-present: Adjunct Professor of Animal Science University of Georgia Department of Animal and Dairy Science, Athens, GA
- June 2012-present: Adjunct Professor of Meat and Muscle Biology Texas Tech University Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Lubbock, TX
- January 2009-May 2012: Assistant Professor of Meat and Muscle Biology (Tenure Track) Texas Tech University Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Lubbock, TX
- August 2004-December 2008: Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant University of Connecticut Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Storrs, CT
- September 2003-June 2004: Research Associate The Pennsylvania State University Department of Poultry Science, State College, PA
- May 2001-May 2003: Graduate Research Assistant Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, Manhattan, KS
- August 2001-March 2002: Kansas State University Growth and Development Laboratory Manager, Manhattan, KS
- August 1999-May 2001: Kansas State University Swine Nutrition Undergraduate Research Asst., Manhattan, KS
- June 1999-August 1999: Kansas State University Swine Teaching and Research Center Employee, Manhattan, KS
- Poultry Science Association
- World’s Poultry Science Association
- American Society of Animal Science
- American Meat Science Association
- Plains Nutrition Council
- Gamma Sigma Delta
- AU College of Agriculture Dean’s Grantsmanship Award Winner (2023)
- AU College of Agriculture Dean’s Award for Excellence in Instruction Winner (2023)
- AU College of Agriculture Club Advisor of the Year Award Winner (2023) AU Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award (2022)
- Alabama Poultry & Egg Association Presidential Award Winner (2022)
- AU College of Agriculture Club Advisor of the Year Award Winner (2022)
- AU College of Agriculture Dean’s Grantsmanship Award Winner (2020)
- AU College of Agriculture Dean’s Grantsmanship Award Winner (2018)
- AU College of Agriculture Dean’s Young Researcher Award Nominee (2018)
- TTU CASNR AASCARR Distinguished Young Educator Award Nominee (2011)
Research in Dr. Jessica Starkey’s laboratory is centered around exploring the impact of nutrition and management strategies on the cellular and molecular regulation of skeletal muscle development and growth. Understanding how muscle-specific stem cells called satellite cells function and respond to different dietary factors, stressors, and management strategies is the primary focus of this lab.
Specifically, we are interested in understanding how maternal nutrition impacts skeletal muscle development, satellite cell function, and muscle growth characteristics of the progeny. In addition, we are currently investigating how variation in egg incubation temperature impacts skeletal muscle development and post-hatch satellite cell activity in broilers. We are also working on experiments aimed at elucidating the developmental mechanisms and possible causes of wooden breast, a myopathy currently challenging the global broiler industry.
Our research is not limited only to poultry, but includes other livestock species as well. Students in the lab become skilled in multiple molecular and cell biology research techniques, but also receive hands-on training in poultry husbandry and poultry growth performance and metabolism research. The core research techniques used in the lab include, but are not limited to, primary satellite cell isolation and culture, real-time quantitative PCR and pyrosequencing, protein quantification using fluorescence-based Western blotting, tissue cryohistology, traditional paraffin histology, immunofluorescence staining, fluorescence microscopy, and digital image analysis. Dr. Starkey’s research group works in state-of-the-art, recently renovated research facilities which include the Muscle Cell Biology and Fluorescence Microscopy Laboratories, Individual Bird Growth Performance Facility, and AU Poultry and Animal Nutrition Center housed in the Poultry Science Department.
Our overall aim is to conduct experiments that will not only enhance basic scientific knowledge regarding muscle satellite cell function, but that will ultimately be useful in devising production strategies to maximize the efficiency of muscle growth without sacrificing animal health, well-being, or product quality.
Undergraduate Courses
- POUL 3030 — Commercial Poultry Production
- POUL 3150 — Poultry Physiology
- POUL 4980 — Undergraduate Research in Muscle Biology
- POUL 5030 — Advanced Commercial Poultry Production
- POUL 1000 — Introductory Poultry Science (Fall 2021)
Graduate Courses
- POUL 6030 — Advanced Commercial Poultry Production
- POUL 7970 — Special Topics – Experimental Techniques in Growth Biology
- POUL 7990 — Research and Thesis
- POUL 8990 — Research and Dissertation