Gobena Huluka
Emeritus (Soil Quality/Soil Testing)
(334) 844-3926
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217 Funchess Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- 1990 Ph.D., Auburn University (Agronomy & Soils March)
- 1985 M.S., Auburn University (Agronomy & Soils June)
- 1980 B.S., Addis Ababa University (Chemistry)
- 2002-2023 Associate Professor, Auburn University
- 2008-present Director, Soil Testing Lab, Auburn University
- 2000-2002 Research Associate Professor, Tuskegee University
- 1993-2002 Research Assistant Professor, Tuskegee University
- 1990-1992 Research Associate, Tuskegee University
- Editorial Board Member of African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2006-present
- Appointed Member of Graduate Faculty, Auburn University (2003)
- Appointed Member of Graduate Faculty, Tuskegee University (1993)
- Sigma Xi honor society (1995)
- Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor society of Agriculture (1985)
- Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society of International Education
- Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
- Agronomy Society of America (ASA)
- “S475 Emil Truog Soil Science Award” Committee member, 2003-2006 (SSSA)
- Oromo Study Association
- Multiculural and Diversity Commisssion, 2004-2006, Auburn University
- Student Discipline Committee, 2005-2007, Auburn University
Potassium Chemistry of Blackbelt Soils. Potassium nutrition of cotton. Precision Ag (use of digital imagery to precision mange corn N fertility). Spatial varability of soil chemical species. Imapct of concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) on water quality. Developing and/or modifying soil testing methodologies.
- AGRN 2040 – Basic Soil Science
- AGRN 2043 – Basic Soil Science (Distance Learning)
- AGRN 7550 – Soil and Plant Analysis
- Watts, D., H. Torbert, S. Prior and G. Huluka. 2010. Long-term tillage and poultry litter impacts soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization and fertility. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:1239-1247.
- Huluka, G., S.H. Norwood, J.N. Shaw and P.L. Mask. 2006. Airborne Imagery for Rapid Crop Productivity Assessments. Proceedings of the 8th International Precision Agriculture, D. Mula, et al. (edi). CD-ROM Version.
- Huluka, G. 2006. The Bleak Fate of Oromo Natural Resources in the Era of Globalization, p64-70. Proceedings of the 20st Oromo Studies Association (OSA), G. Huluka (edi.), Minneapolis, MN.
- Huluka, G. 2005. A Modification to the Adams-Evans Soil Buffer Determination Solution. Commun. Plant Soil Anal. 36: 2005-2014.
- Ramble O. Ankumah, LaJoyce C. Mullins and Gobena Huluka . 2003. Evaluation of the vulnerability of private wells in Houston and Geneva counties to nitrate and selected pesticides. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration. Special Issue: 3-9.
- R.O. Ankumah, I. Watt, G. Huluka , and A. Trotman. 2003. Influence of carbon sources on the degradation of Fenamiphos by TE1, a Rhodococcus p. pp203-211. In Uzochukwu, Schimmel and Reddy (edi.) Proceedings of the 2002 National Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Battele Press, Columbus, OH.
- Teayann Tinsley, Ramble O. Ankumah, Gobena Huluka and Edward Hunter. 2003. Assessment of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loading in Three Creeks in the Lower Tallapoosa Basin Using BASINS. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Restoration. Special Issue: 156-167.
- Kebede, E., D.F. Schreiner, and G. Huluka. 2002. Economic-environmental modeling of point source pollution in Jefferson County, Alabama, USA. Journal of Environmental Management. 65:85-94.
- Radwan, U.A., I. Springuel, P.K. Biswas and G. Huluka . 2000. The effect of salinity on water use efficiency of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. Egyptian Journal of Biology. 2:1-7.
- Huluka, G . 1999. Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining in Oromia. Journal of Oromo Studies. 6:159-172.
- Alemayehu, M., D. R. Hileman, G. Huluka , and P.K. Biswas. 1998. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide on the growth and physiology of loblolly pine. pp93-101. In Fox and Mickler (Edi.) The Productivity and Sustainability of Southern Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment, Ecological Studies 128. Springer-Verlag, New York.