
Di Tian

Associate Professor (Agroclimatology)

Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences

(334) 844-3819 



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226 Funchess Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849



  • Postdoc, Hydroclimatology, Princeton University (2016)
  • Ph.D., Agricultural & Biological Engineering (Hydrologic Science), University of Florida (2014)
  • M.S., Land Resources Management (Watershed Management), China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China (2010)
  • B.E., Land Resources Management (Land Science and Technology), China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China (2005)


  • Associate Professor, Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University (2022-present)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University (2016-2022)


  • CAREER Award, National Science Foundation (2022)
  • Outstanding Publication Award. College of Agriculture, Auburn University (2020)
  • Dean’s Research Award. College of Agriculture, Auburn University (2019)
  • Dean’s Grantsmanship Award. College of Agriculture, Auburn University (2019)
  • Presidential Award of Interdisciplinary Research, Auburn University (2018-2020)
  • Member, Gamma Sigma Delta, Agricultural Honor Society (2011-present)
  • Member, Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society (2011-present)
  • Graduate School Alumni Award, University of Florida (2010-2014)


  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Meteorological Society
  • European Geosciences Union



Climate change poses a significant challenge to our society. Climate influences natural and human systems through modulating land water and energy fluxes and states (e.g., precipitation, temperature, solar radiation, humidity, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture) and extreme events (e.g., drought, heatwave, and extreme precipitation), or shaping ecological stressors and management practices. They are driven by large-scale climate oscillations and anthropogenic global warming. Climate change adaptation and mitigation require a process-based understanding of hydroclimate systems, causations and predictability of extreme events, reliable and accurate climate impact information at relevant spatial and temporal scales, and science-informed climate adaptation and resiliency actions. My research aims to improve our understanding, observation, and prediction of hydroclimate processes, extreme events, and their impact risks. It requires a fundamental understanding of the complex processes in hydroclimate systems, improving their modeling and predictions at relevant scales and lead times, and quantifying their roles in natural and managed systems. To achieve this goal, I use data science, machine learning, process-based simulations, high-performance computing, and earth data from emerging sources such as numerical simulations, satellites, sensors, and ground observations in my methodology.


  • CSES 7600/7606 — Agroclimatology, Auburn University
  • CSES 5800/6800 — Climate, Water, and Life, Auburn University
  • ENVI 7800 — Deep Learning for the Environmental Systems, Auburn University


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Student Research Opportunities

Graduate students: I admit Ph.D. and M.S. students through the Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences. If your interests align with my group, I look forward to seeing your application.  Research assistantships will be provided to qualified candidates. Outstanding candidates will also be nominated for the Presidential Graduate Research Fellowships.

Postdoc Researchers: Postdoctoral fellowships are available periodically. Candidates who have a physical science or engineering background (such as hydrology, climatology, meteorology, environmental science or engineering, biosystems engineering, computer science, or related fields), strong expertise in scientific computing (e.g. R, Python, or Matlab) and process-based and/or data-driven modeling, strong written and verbal communication skills, and strong motivations to conduct climate research for water, food and agriculture, or public health are highly encouraged to apply. Additionally, please be in touch if you are interested in applying to external post-doctoral fellowship to work together. Some potential funding sources for post-docs are the NOAA Global Change post-doc, the various NSF post-docs, the McDonnell Foundation post-doc, the NIFA post-doc, and the Schmidt Science Fellows.

Visiting scholars or students: positions are always available. Self-supported individuals will be given a prior consideration.

Undergraduate students: please contact Dr. Tian directly to check research opportunities for undergraduate students.