As an extension specialist, my responsibilities include keeping the public informed of the latest developments in turfgrass management practices. I provide support and training for county extension agents in turf-related areas and publish fact sheets, bulletins, timely information sheets, Web publications and articles for industry publications and mass media on current topics in turf. I also develop and maintain educational programs for the golf course superintendent, sod farmer, athletic field or park groundskeeper, professional lawn care provider, homeowner and other turf managers. Examples include serving as the educational advisor to the Alabama Turfgrass Association, conducting the lawn care training portions of the Master Gardener and Certified Nurseryman programs, speaking to educational sessions of the Golf Course Superintendents Association chapters in Alabama and participating in Extension field days and seminars on turfgrass management. My extension program includes conducting applied research to develop more effective and environmentally friendly turfgrass management techniques for use in the turf industry with an emphasis on reducing the use of high-risk pesticides. I also teach Agronomy 6150, Advanced Turfgrass Management, for students interested in careers in the turf industry.