Headshot of Brenda Valeska Ortiz from Headshots taken on August 30, 2022. Horticulture, College of Agriculture

Brenda V. Ortiz

Professor & Extension Specialist (Precision Agriculture)

Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences

(334) 844-5534 



Get In Touch

226 Funchess Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849



  • Ph.D., University of Georgia, Athens (Biological & Agricultural Engineering) (2008)
  • B.S., University Nacional de Colombia-University del Valle, Cali (Agricultural Engineering) (1997)


  • Auburn University, Auburn, AL – October 2019  Professor –Precision Agriculture Specialist, Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Department. 
  • Auburn University, Auburn, AL, November 2008 – September 2019  Associate professor –Precision Agriculture Specialist, Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Department.
  • The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, August 2004-October 2008  Research Assistant, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. 
  • Colombian Sugar Cane Research Center  – Centro de Investigación de la Caña de Azúcar de Colombia, CENICAÑA, August 1997-August 2004  Research Assistant, Geographic Information System area.


  • 2020 Rittenour Award for Excellence in Production Agriculture & Forestry Research from the Alabama Farmers Federation. Montgomery, Alabama
  • 2019-2020 Visiting Scientist at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of UN
  • 2018 Invited speaker to XLVII Brazilian Congress of Agricultural Engineering – CONBEA
  • 2018 Appointed to Adjunct faculty at Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
  • 2015 Leader, Precision Agriculture Systems Community of the American Society of Agronomy
  • 2018 Invited by the Sao Paulo State University in Brazil to be part of a group international and national faculty teaching the course: Advances in Peanut Production
  • 2017 ASABE Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Award. Category: Publications, Comprehensive (33 or more pages). Award received for the iBook “Climate and Crops: Adapting Farming to a Variable Climate”
  • 2017 Richard L. Guthrie Award for Achievement in International Agriculture. Auburn University College of Agriculture
  • 2017 Dean’s Grantsmanship Award, Auburn University College of Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
  • 2017 The Climate and Crops iBook was selected as an international finalist in two categories as Best Book of the Year during the 2017 iBooks Author Conference. The Climate and Crops iBook was finalist in the categories of: Best Book of the Year, Education (Science) and Best Book of the Year, Education (Overall)
  • 2017 3rd Place graduate student poster competition to Franciele Morlin, visiting student from Brazil. 15th Annual Nitrogen Use Efficiency Meeting. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  • 2017 Invited by the Sao Paulo State University in Brazil to give three Precision Agriculture lectures with field practices and discuss research opportunities
  • 2016 Visitor Scholar Fellowship from Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. I was awarded with this fellowship to visit TUM, learn and discuss Precision Agriculture Research and give two lectures to MSc students from the Precision Agriculture program
  • 2015 My Ph.D. student, Damianos Damianidis won the 2nd place during the graduate student oral presentation of the 2015 Southern Branch American Society of Agronomy meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
  • 2014 NIFA Partnership Award received from USDA-NIFA. For outstanding leadership and innovation in climate extension, by engaging agricultural producers and helping the implement them management strategies to protect crops from weather extremes
  • 2014 National winner of Achievement Award received from the National Association County Agricultural Agents
  • 2014 National winner of Search for Excellence award – Remote Sensing & Precision Ag Category from the National Association County Agricultural Agents
  • 2014 Alabama winner of Achievement Award received from the Alabama Association County Agricultural Agents
  • 2014 Alabama winner of Search for Excellence award – Remote Sensing & Precision Ag Category from the Alabama Association County Agricultural Agents
  • 2011 Dean’s Grantsmanship Award 2011 – College of Agriculture. Auburn University


  • American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) (2004-present)
  • International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) (2018-present)
  • American Society of Agronomy (ASA) (2009-present)
  • Crop Science Society of America (2009-present)



  • Evaluation of site specific management practices with the use of precision agriculture technologies,
  • Evaluation of precision agriculture technologies for variable rate application of inputs (e.g., water, nutrient, seed), on-farm demonstration of precision irrigation strategies and technologies
  • Study and evaluation of technologies and methodologies to assess within-field soil, crop and yield variability,
  • Study of the impact of weather and climate on agriculture especially corn and wheat crops,
  • Identification of adaptation strategies to reduce climate-related risk in agriculture,
  • Use of field studies and crop growth simulation modeling to evaluate different management strategies for improving grain production.



  • *Freire de Oliveira, M., B. V. Ortiz, G. Trimer Morata, A-F Jiménez, G. de Souza Rolim, R. Pereira da Silva. 2022. Training Machine Learning Algorithms Using Remote Sensing. and Topographic Indices for Corn Yield Prediction. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 6171. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14236171

  • Kerry, R., B. Ingram, M. Orellana, B.V. Ortiz, B. Scully. 2023. Development of a method to assess the risk of aflatoxin contamination of corn within counties in southern Georgia, USA using remotely sensed data. Smart Agricultural Technology. 3 (2023) 100124.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atech.2022.100124.  Accepted 3 October 2022

  • Kerry, R., B. Ingram, B. V. Ortiz, and Arnold Salvacion. 2022. Using Soil, Plant, Topographic and Remotely Sensed Data to Determine the Best Method for Defining Aflatoxin Contamination Risk Zones within Fields for Precision Management. Agronomy. 12, 2524. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12102524

  • *Bondesan, L., B. V. Ortiz, F. Morlin, G. Morata, L. Duzy, E. van Santen, B. P. Lena, G. Vellidis. 2022. A comparison of precision and conventional irrigation in corn production in Southeast Alabama. Journal of Precision Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-022-09930-2

  • Kumar, H., P. Srivastava, J. Lamba, E. Diamantopoulos, B.V. Ortiz, G. Morata, B.S. Takhellambam, and L. Bondesan. 2022. Site-specific irrigation scheduling using one-layer soil hydraulic properties and inverse modeling”. Journal of Agricultural Water Management 273(1). 107877, ISSN 0378-3774, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107877.

  • Kumar, H., Srivastava, P., Lamba, J., Ortiz, B. V., Way, T. R., Sangha, L., Takhellambam, B. S., Morata, G., Molinari, R. 2022. Within-field variability in nutrients for site-specific agricultural management in irrigated corn field. Journal of the ASABE 65(4):865-880. https://doi.org/10.13031/ja.15042.

  • *Lena, B. P., L. Bondesan, E. A. R. Pinheiro, B. V. Ortiz, G. Morata, H. Kumar. 2022. Determination of irrigation scheduling thresholds based on HYDRUS-1D simulations of field capacity for multilayered agronomic soils in AL, USA. Agricultural Water Management 259:107234. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107234

  • *Kumar, H., P. Srivastava, B.V. Ortiz, G. Morata, B.S., Takhellambam, J. Lamba, L. Bondesan. 2021. Field-scale spatial and temporal soil water variability in irrigated croplands. Transactions of ASABE 64(4): 1277-1294

  • Kerry, R., B. Ingram, E. Garcia-Cela, N. Magan, B. V. Ortiz and B.Scully. 2021. Determining Future Aflatoxin Contamination Risk Scenarios for Corn in Southern Georgia, USA using Spatio-temporal   Modelling and Future Climate Simulations. Scientific Reports 11:13522. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92557-6

  • *Jimenez, A-F., B. V. Ortiz, L. Bondesan, G. Morata. D. Damianidis. 2020. Evaluation of two recurrent neural network methods for prediction of irrigation rate and timing. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(5): 1327-1348. (doi: 10.13031/trans.13765) – 2021 ASABE Superior Paper
  • *Lena, B. P., L. Bondesan, E. A. R. Pinheiro, B. V. Ortiz, G. Morata, H. Kumar. 2022. Determination of irrigation scheduling thresholds based on HYDRUS-1D simulations of field capacity for multilayered agronomic soils in AL, USA. Agricultural Water Management. Vol 259, Jan 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107234
  • *Kumar, H., P. Srivastava, B. V. Ortiz, G. Morata, B.S., Takhellambam, J. Lamba, L. Bondesan. 2021. Field-scale spatial and temporal soil water variability in irrigated croplands. Transactions of ASABE. Vol. 64(4): 1277-1294
  • Kerry, R., B. Ingram, E. Garcia-Cela, N. Magan, B. V. Ortiz and B.Scully. 2021. Determining Future Aflatoxin Contamination Risk Scenarios for Corn in Southern Georgia, USA using Spatio-temporal Modelling and Future Climate Simulations. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-152995/v1
  • *Jimenez, A-F., V. Ortiz, L. Bondesan, G. Morata. 2020. Long short‑term memory neural network for irrigation management: a case study from Southern Alabama, USA. Precision Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-020-09753-z
  • *Lena, B., B. V. Ortiz, A-F. Jimenez, A. Sanz-Saez, S. O’Shaughnessy, M. K. Durstock, G. Pate. 2020. Evaluation of infrared canopy temperature data in relation to soil water-based irrigation scheduling in a humid subtropical climate. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(5): 1217-1231
  • R. Rudnick, M. Stockton, S. Taghvaeian, J. Warren, M. D. Dukes, A. Kremen, C. G. Henry, J. Aguilar, B. V. Ortiz, A. Andales, C. A. Burr, X. Qiao, W. Liang, S. Walthour, S. H. Amosson. 2020. Innovative Extension Methods in the U.S. to promote irrigation water management. Transactions of ASABE.63(5): 1549-1558. (doi: 10.13031/trans.13929) – 2021 ASABE Superior Paper
  • *Filho, JFDCL, B. V. Ortiz, K. Balkcom, D. Damianidis, T. J. Knappenberger, M. Dougherty. 2020. Evaluation of Two Irrigation Scheduling Methods and Nitrogen Rates on Corn Production in Alabama. International Journal of Agronomy Volume 2020, Article ID 8869383, 13 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8869383.
  • *Filho, JFDCL, B. V. Ortiz, D. Damianidis, K. Balkcom, M. Dougherty, T. J. Knappenberger. 2020. Irrigation Scheduling to Promote Corn Productivity in Central Alabama. Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 12, No. 9; 2020
  • Poncet, A. M., T. Knappenberger, C. Brodbeck, M. Fogle, J. N Shaw, B. V. Ortiz. 2019. Multispectral UAS Data Accuracy for Different Radiometric Calibration Methods. Remote Sensing. Vol 11(16): 1917
  • *Damianidis, D., B. V. Ortiz, G. Windham, K. l. Bowen, G. Hoogemboom, B. T. Scully, A. Hagan, T. Knapenberger, P. Woli, W. P. Williams. 2018. Evaluating a generic drought index as a predictive tool for aflatoxin contamination of corn: From plot to regional level. Crop Protection. 113: 64-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2018.07.013. (50%)
  • Eunhye Yoo, Ruth Kerry, Ben Ingram, B. V. Ortiz, Brian Scully. 2018. Defining and Characterizing Aflatoxin Contamination Risk Areas for Corn in Georgia, USA: Adjusting for Collinearity and Spatial Correlation. Spatial Statistics. In Press. Available online 2 July 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spasta.2018.06.003. (15%)
  • *Damianos Damianidis; B. V. Ortiz; Kira Bowen; Gary Windham; Gerrit Hoogenboom; Austin Hagan; Thorsten Knappenberger; Hamed Abbas; Brian Scully; Spyridon Mourtzinis. 2018.  Minimum temperature, rainfall and agronomic management impacts on corn grain aflatoxin contamination. Agronomy Journal. 110(5):1697–1708. doi: 10.2134/agronj2017.11.0628; Date posted: May 12, 2018
  • Kerry, R., B. V. Ortiz, B. R. Ingram, B. T. Scully. 2016. A Spatio-Temporal investigation of risk factors for aflatoxin contamination of corn in southern Georgia, USA using geostatistical methods. Crop Protection 94:144–158; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2016.12.005
  • *Mourtzinis, S., B. V. Ortiz, D. Damianidis. 2016. Climate Change and ENSO Effects on Southeastern US Climate Patterns and Maize Yield. Scientific Reports (Journal of Nature). 6, 29777; doi: 10.1038/srep29777.
  • *Sarkar, R., B. V. Ortiz, K. Balkcom. 2015. Strategic adaptation of nitrogen management for El Nino Southern Oscillation-induced winter wheat systems. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. DOI 10.1007/s11027-015-9676-6
  • *Woli, P, B. V. Ortiz, J. Johnson, G. Hoogenboom. 2015. El Niño-Southern Oscillation effects on winter wheat in the southeastern USA. 2015. Agronomy Journal 107:2193–2204
  • Tian, D., S. Asseng, C. J. Martinez, V. Misra, D. Cammarano, B. V. Ortiz. 2015. Does decadal climate variation influence wheat and maize production in the southeast USA? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 204, 1–9
  • Bowen, K. L., K. L. Flanders, A. K. Hagan, B. V. Ortiz. 2014. Insect damage, aflatoxin content and yield of Bt corn in Alabama. Journal of Economic Entomology 2014 107 (5): 1818-1827
    doi: 10.1603/EC13442
  • Vellidis, G., B. V. Ortiz, J. Beasley, R. Hill, H. Henry, H. Brannen. 2014. Reducing Digging Losses by Using Automated Steering to Plant and Invert Peanuts. Agronomy 4(3), 337-348; doi:10.3390/agronomy4030337
  • *Torino, M. S., B. V. Ortiz, J. P. Fulton, K. S. Balkcom, and C. W. Wood. 2014. Evaluation of Vegetation Indices for Early Assessment of Corn Status and Yield Potential in the Southeastern United States. Agronomy Journal 106:1389–1401. doi:10.2134/agronj13.0578.
  • *Woli, P., B. V. Ortiz, D. Buntin, K. Flanders. 2014. El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Effects on Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Infestation in the Southeastern USA. Environmental Entomology Journal. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EN14032
  • Ortiz, B. V., B. Balkcom, L. Duzy, E. van Santen, D. L. Hartzog. 2013. Evaluation of agronomic and economic benefits of using RTK-based autoguidance systems on peanut production. Journal of Precision Agriculture 14(4): 357-375. DOI 10.1007/s11119-012-9297-y
  • *Tapley, M., B. V. Ortiz, and E. van Santen. 2013. Location, Seeding Date, and Variety Interactions on Winter Wheat Yield in the Southeast USA. Agronomy Journal 105:509-518. doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0379
  • Cammarano, , L. Stefanova, B. V. Ortiz, M. R. Rodrigues, S. Asseng, G. Vellidis, V. Misra, G. Wilkerson, B. Basso, J. W. Jones, K. Boote. 2013. Evaluating the fidelity of downscaled climate data on simulated wheat and maize production in the southeastern US. Regional Environmental Change Journal. Published online: 06 February, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s10113-013-0410-1.
  • Bartels, W., C.A., Furman, D.C., Diehl, F.S., Royce, D.R., Dourte, B. V. Ortiz, D., Zierden, T.A., Irani, C., Fraisse, and J., Jones. 2012. Warming up to climate change: A participatory approach to engaging with agricultural stakeholders in the Southeast US. Journal of Regional Environmental Change. Published online: November 2012. DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-0371-9
  • Ortiz, B. V., G. Sullivan, C. Perry, P. Lu, R. Kemerait, R. F .Davis, A. Smith, G. Vellidis, R. Nicholds. 2012. Variable Rate Application of Nematicides on cotton Fields: A Promising Site-Specific Management Strategy. Journal of Nematology 44(1): 31-39.
  • Mourtzinis, F., F. J. Arriaga, K. S. Balkcom, B. V. Ortiz. 2013. Corn Grain and Stover Yield Prediction at R1 Growth Stage. Agronomy Journal 105:1045-1050.
  • Davis, R. F., S. K. Aryal, C. D. Perry, D. G. Sullivan, P. Timper, B. V. Ortiz, K. L. Stevenson, G. Vellidis, and G. Hawkins. 2013. Utilizing Management Zones for Rotylenchulus reniformis in Cotton: effects on nematode levels, crop damage, and Pasteuria sp. Journal of Crop Protection 50:53-60.
  • Ortiz, B. V., G. Sullivan, C. Perry, G. Vellidis. 2011. Delineation of management zones for southern root-knot nematode using fuzzy clustering of terrain and edaphic field characteristics. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis journal 42(16): 1972-1994.
  • Ortiz, B. V., S. Thomson, Huang, Y., K. N. Reddy, W. Ding. 2011. Determination of differences in crop injury from aerial application of glyphosate using vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 77:204-213
  • Persson, T., Ortiz, B. V., D. Bransby, S. Sladden, W. Wu, G. Hoogenboom. 2011. Determining the impact of climate and soil variability on switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) production in the southeastern USA; a simulation study. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Bioenergy journal (DOI:10.1002/bbb.288).
  • Ortiz, B. V., Perry, G. Vellidis, D. G. Sullivan. 2010. Geostatistical modeling of the spatial variability and risk areas of southern root-knot nematodes in relation to soil properties. Geoderma 156:243-252
  • Persson, T., A. Garcia y Garcia, J. Paz, B. V. Ortiz, G. Hoogemboom. 2010. Simulating the production potential and net energy yield of maize-ethanol in the southeastern USA. European Journal of Agronomy 32:272-279
  • Huang, Y., S. Thomson, B. V. Ortiz, K. N. Reddy, W. Ding, R.M. Zablotowicz, and J. R. Bright. 2010. Airborne Remote Sensing Assessment of the Damage to Cotton Caused by Spray Drift from Aerially Applied Glyphosate through Spray Deposition Measurements. Biosystems Engineering 107:212-220
  • Ortiz, B. V., Hoogenboom, G. Vellidis, K. Boote, R. F. Davis, C. Perry. 2009. Adapting the CROPGRO cotton model to simulate cotton biomass and yield under southern root-knot nematode parasitism. Transactions of ASABE 52(6):2129-2140.
  • Van Etten ML, L.B. Prevost, C. Deen, B. V. Ortiz, L.A. Donovan, S-M. Chang. 2008. Gender differences in reproductive and physiological traits in a gynodioecious species, Geranium maculatum (Geraniaceae).  International Journal of Plant Sciences 169 (2).