Bethany Baker-Cook
Assistant Professor
Poultry Science
(334) 844-4110
Get In Touch
302E Poultry Science Building
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- Ph.D. Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan, Canada – Thesis: Assessing the efficacy and welfare impact of euthanasia methods for broiler.
- M.Sc. Veterinary Bioscience, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
- 2021- Present – Assistant Professor, Department of Poultry Science, Auburn University, AL.
- Poultry Science Association
- Worlds Poultry Science Association
Dr Baker-Cook’s research focuses on gaining a deeper understanding of poultry behavior and utilizing this knowledge to investigate and improve poultry welfare and management. Specific areas of interest include the early-life experience and its impacts on immediate and long-term welfare, humane euthanasia and stunning, and developing methods to assess and provide positive welfare.
- POUL1000 – Introduction to Poultry Science
- ANSC/POUL 5070/6070 – Animal Welfare
- Escobar, C., D. Watts, A. Torbet., M.A. Bailey, J. T. Krehling, D. Landers., A.P. Jackson*, M. Gilpin **, K. Still **, L. R. Munoz, L. Orellana, Y. Adhikari, K. Macklin, B.I. Baker-Cook. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Gypsum as a Novel Bedding Material on Broiler Performance, Foot Pad Health, and Fear Response, 103(6):103676. doi:10.1016/j.psj.2024.103676
- Jackson, A*., D. Bourassa, and. B.I. Baker-Cook. 2023. Applied Research Note: Evaluation of head removal following euthanasia by cervical dislocation on latency insensibility and death on broiler welfare. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 33(1): 100394. doi:10.1016/j.japr.2023.100394
- Baker-Cook, B., S. Torrey, T. Widowski, P. Turner, T. Knezacek, J. Nicholds and K. Schwean-Lardner. 2021. The efficacy of three on-farm euthanasia methods for broiler chickens throughout the production cycle. British Poultry Science.
- Baker-Cook, B., A. Mortiz, D. Zwueste, K. Schwean-Lardner, and K.L. Machin. 2021. Evaluation of intravenous T-61 as a euthanasia method for broiler chickens. Canadian Veterinary Journal.
- Baker-Cook, B., S. Torrey, P. Turner, T. Knezacek, J. Nicholds, S. Gomis and K. Schwean-Lardner. 2021. Assessing the effect of water deprivation on the efficacy of on-farm euthanasia methods for broilers chickens. British Poultry Science.
- Baker, B., S. Torrey, T. Widowski, P. Turner, T. Knezacek, J. Nicholds, T. Crowe and K. Schwean-Lardner. 2020. Defining characteristics of immersion CO2 gas for successful euthanasia of neonatal and young broilers. Poultry Science.
- Baker, B., K.L. Machin, and K. Schwean-Lardner. 2019. When pain and stress interact: looking at stress-induced analgesia and stress-induced hyperalgesia in birds. World Poultry Science.
- Baker, B., S. Torrey, T. Widowski, P. Turner, T. Knezacek, J. Nicholds, T. Crowe and K. Schwean-Lardner. 2019. Evaluation of carbon dioxide induction methods for the euthanasia of day-old cull broiler chicks. Poultry Science.