
Audrey Gamble

Associate Professor (Soil Fertility/Soil Conservation)

Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences

(334) 844-3995 

 (334) 703-7901 

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235 Funchess Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849



  • Ph.D., University of Delaware (Environmental Soil Chemistry) (2017)
  • M.S., Auburn University (Soil Chemistry) (2013)
  • B.A., Auburn University (Chemistry) (2011)


  • Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Auburn University (2017-present)


  • Dean’s Grantsmanship Award, Auburn University College of Agriculture (2020)
  • Dean’s Grantsmanship Award, Auburn University College of Agriculture, 2018


  • American Chemical Society
  • American Peanut Research and Education Society
  • American Society of Agronomy
  • Crop Science Society of America
  • Soil Science Society of America



  • Field evaluation of conservation cropping systems/cover crops to improve soil health and sustainability
  • Assessment of short-term soil health indicators for their ability to predict long-term improvements in soil health and sustainability
  • Evaluation of macro- and micro-nutrient fertility recommendations for row-crop production systems in Alabama


  • CSES 1010 Soils and Life
  • CSES 5020/6020 Nutrient Management



  • †Crowell, H., A.V. Gamble, Y. Feng, K.S. Balkcom, and A. Yang. 2022. Impacts of Winter Grazing on Soil Health in Southeastern Cropping Systems. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. doi: 10.1002/agg2.20240
  • Price, A.J., and A.V. Gamble. 2021. The Intersection of Weed Management and Soil Quality in the Era of Herbicide Resistant Weeds: A Perspective from the United States. Italian J. Agron. 16:1875 doi:10.4081/ija.2021.1875
  • ‡Russell, E.C., ‡J.M. Peppers, C.A. Rutland, J. Patel, N.D. Hall, A.V. Gamble, and J.S. McElroy. 2021. Mitotic-inhibiting herbicide response variation in goosegrass (Eleusine indica) with a Leu-136-Phe substitution in α-tubulin. Weed. Sci. doi:10.1017/wsc.2021.65
  • †Johnson, A.M., Gamble, A.V., K.S. Balkcom, and N.R. Hull. 2021. Influence of Cover Crop Mixtures on Soil Health in Southeastern Crop Production Systems. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 4:3 doi:10.1002/agg2.20202 
  • Gamble, A.V., P. Northrup, and D.L. Sparks. 2020. Elucidation of soil phosphorus speciation in Mid-Atlantic soils using synchrotron-based microspectroscopic techniques. J. Environ. Qual. doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20027
  • ‡Liggett, C., T. Knappenberger, J.N. Shaw, E. Brantley, and A.V. Gamble. 2020. Comparison of Constructed Wetlands to a Preservation Wetland in the Nashville Basin, Tennessee (USA). Wetlands. 40:1635-1646. 
  • Gamble, A.V., J.A. Howe, K.B. Balkcom, C.W. Wood, N. DiLorenzo, D.B. Watts and E. van Santen. 2019. Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Grazed Perennial Forage-Crop Rotation System in Coastal Plain Soils. Agrosystems Geosci. Environ. 2:180040. doi:10.2134/age2018.09.0040
  • Gamble, A.V., A.K. Givens, and D.L. Sparks. 2018. Arsenic reactivity and bioavailablilty in Delaware former orchard soils. J. Environ. Qual. 47:121–128.
  • Gamble, A.V., J.A. Howe, C.W. Wood, D.B. Watts, and E. van Santen. 2014. Soil organic carbon dynamics in a sod-based rotation on Coastal Plain soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78:1997-2008.
  • Gamble, A.V., J.A. Howe, D.P. Delaney, E. van Santen, and R.P. Yates. 2014. Iron chelates reduce iron chlorosis in soybean on high pH soils. Agron. J. 106:1251-1257.

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