
Aniruddha Maity

Assistant Professor (Weed Science)

Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences

(334) 844-2345 


Get In Touch

559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832



  • Ph.D. (Plant Breeding) – Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
  • M.Sc. (Seed Science and Technology) – Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India
  • B.Sc. (Agriculture) – Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Coochbehar, West Bengal, India


  • Postdoctoral Research Associate: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (2021-2022)
  • Scientist, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2013-2022)
  • Endeavour Research Fellow, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia (2019-2020)
  • Senior Research Fellow, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (2011-2012)
  • Junior Research Fellow, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (2009-2011)



  • WSSA Outstanding Paper Award as the first author in Weed Science Journal (2022)
  • International Weed Science Society travel award for attending 2022 meeting in Bangkok (2022)
  • International Weed Genomics Consortium travel award to attend its first meeting in Kansas City (2021)
  • Association of Former Students Distinguished Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research – Doctoral by the Graduate and Professional School, Texas A&M University (TAMU)
  • Agronomy Journal (AJ) Outstanding Reviewer Award by the ASA-CSSA-SSCA (2020)
  • Best Poster Presentation Award in the 2021 Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) meeting, Virtual
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Award by WSSA (2021)
  • Best Poster Presentation Award in the 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSCA meeting, Virtual
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin (2020)
  • Nelson Yield-Limiting Factors Graduate Student Scholarship by ASA (2020)
  • CIRTL Associate – Fellow of the Academy for Future Faculty by the Center for Teaching Excellence & Office of Graduate and Professional Studies (TAMU)
  • Best Poster Presentation Award in the WSSA meeting, Hawaii (2020)
  • Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement (Graduate Research), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, TAMU (2019)
  • BB Singh Award for the Outstanding Thesis Research in Crop Sciences, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, TAMU (2019)
  • Dudley Smith Travel Award by the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences (TAMU) to visit Cornell University, United States (2019)
  • Endeavor Research Leadership Award for six months research visit to The University of Western Australia by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (2019)
  • Gerald O. Mott Meritorious Graduate Student Award in Crop Science by the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) (2019)
  • Tom Slick Graduate Research Fellowship by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, TAMU (2019)
  • Operation Student Connection award by the American Seed Research Foundation at the inaugural Conference of American Seed Trade Association in Washington D.C. (2018)
  • Netaji Subhas – ICAR International Fellowship 2016 for foreign Ph.D. by Government of India
  • Best Poster Award in the 4th National Symposium on transforming Indian agriculture towards food and nutritional security, Society of Agricultural Professionals, Kanpur and RMSI, IGFRI, Jhansi (2016)
  • Young Scientist Award by the Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India (2016)
  • Best Division Award as a group (Seed Technology Division) on 55th Foundation Day of ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi (2016)
  • Outstanding Interdisciplinary Team Research Award as a group (Seed Research Group) by the Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India (2016)


  • Life member, Indian Society of Weed Science, India
  • Weed Science Society of America, Westminster, CO
  • Life member, Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin
  • Southern Weed Science Society, Westminster, CO
  • American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America
  • Life member, The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant breeding, NRC & PB, New Delhi, India
  • Life member: Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, Meerut, India
  • Life member: Range Management society of India, Jhansi, India
  • Life member: Indian society of Seed Technology, New Delhi


Maity’s weed science program focuses on biology, ecology, and integrated management (particularly sustainable approaches) of weeds and invasive plant species in managed (agronomic and specialty crops, horticulture, pastures, rangelands) and natural ecosystems (forests, grasslands), which advances current understanding of plant species that are designated as weed species. Relying on inter-disciplinary and collaborative approaches, his program includes a basic component that increases fundamental knowledge on the evolution and ecological importance of weed species and an applied component that addresses practical issues. In the current scenario of rapid evolution and spread of herbicide resistance in major weeds, potential areas of research include, but not limited to: developing novel and creative herbicidal and non-herbicide based weed management concepts and practices that take advantage of improved understanding of management impacts on weed biology.


CSES 3120 PRINCIPLES OF WEED SCIENCE (4) LEC. 3. Pr. (CSES 2040 or CSES 2043) or (AGRN 2040 or AGRN 2043) and (BIOL 1020 or BIOL 1027). Weed identification and biology, methods of weed management and classification of herbicides and how they are used in weed control. Laboratory subjects are weed identification and sprayer calibration. Each Fall.

CSES 5200/6200 APPLIED WEED SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. SU. Pr. (CSES 3120 or CSES 3123) or (AGRN 3120 or AGRN 3123). Advanced weed identification, pesticide application technology, identification of herbicide injury symptomology, and develop of interaction techniques and problem-solving skills for dealing with potential herbicide efficacy problems. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Each summer.

CSES 7180 Sustainable Agroecology or WEED BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY (3) LEC. 3. (CSES 3120 or CSES 3123) or (AGRN 3120 or AGRN 3123) or CSES 5200/6200 (Grad level). To provide the students with a broader understanding and appreciation of the biology and bionomics of agricultural weeds and invasive species and the application of ecological concepts for sustainable weed management in agricultural and natural systems. Each spring.


  • Jin X, Bagavathiannan M, Maity A, Chen Y, Yu J. (2022) Deep learning for detecting herbicide weed control spectrum in turfgrass. Plant Methods 18, 94. DOI:
  • Maity A, Young B, Subramanian N, and Bagavathiannan M. Pollen-mediated transfer of herbicide resistance between johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) biotypes. Scientific Report 12, 7663. DOI:
  • Maity A, Young B, Schwartz-Lazaro L, Korress N, Norsworthy J, Bagavathiannan, M. Seedbank Management through an integration of harvest-time and post-harvest tactics for Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) in wheat. Weed Technology 36(2): 187-196. DOI:
  • Maity A, Locha RL, Khalil Y, Bagavathiannan MV, Ashworth MB, and Beckie HJ. Concurrent evolution of seed dormancy and herbicide resistance in field populations of dominant weed species in Australian cropping systems. Weed Science 70(3): 309-318. DOI:
  • Rocha RL, Khalil Y, Maity A, Beckie HJ, and Ashworth MB. Mechanical scarification technique breaks seed coat-mediated dormancy in wild oat (Avena fatua L.). Weed Technology 36(1): 152-159. DOI: doi:10.1017/wet.2021.94
  • Maity A, Lamichaney A, Joshi DC, Bajwa AA, Subramanian N, Walsh MJ, and Bagavathiannan M. 2021. Seed shattering: a trait of evolutionary importance in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 1180. DOI:
  • Maity A, Singh V, Martins MB, Ferreira PJ, and Bagavathiannan, M. 2021. Species identification and morphological trait diversity assessment in ryegrass (Lolium spp.) populations from Texas Blacklands. Weed Science 69(3): 379-392. DOI: doi:10.1017/wsc.2021.18
  • Maity A, Singh V, Jessup R, and Bagavathiannan M. 2021. Seed traits correlate with herbicide resistance in Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne spp. multiflorum). Pest Management Science. 77(6): 2756-2765. DOI:
  • Lamichaney A and Maity A. 2021. Implications of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration on seed quality. International Journal of Biometeorology 65: 805-812. DOI:
  • Kumar S, Keerti MC, Kumar V, Singh T, Maity A, and Yadav VK (2020) Diurnal and temporal activity of pronubial insects on berseem flowers in a subtropical environment. Journal of Apicultural Research DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2021.1963123.
  • Bhattachrya P, Maity PP, Mowrer J, Maity A, Chakrabarti B, Ghosh T, and Krishnan P (2020) Assessment of soil health parameters and application of the sustainability index to fields under conservation agriculture for 3, 6, and 9 years in India. Heliyon. 6(12): E05640.
  • Singh V., Maity, A., Abugho, S., Swart, J., and Bagavathiannan, M (2020) Multiple herbicide resistant lolium spp. is prevalent in wheat production in Texas Blacklands. Weed Technology 34(5): 652-660. DOI:
  • Wasnik VK, Koli P, Maity A, Kantwa SR, Sondhia S, Kumar S (2020) Evaluation of herbicides in berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) for fodder and seed production. Range Management and Agroforestry 41(1): 74-80.
  • Maity A, Chakrabarty SK, Pramanik P, Gupta R, Parmar SS, Sharma DK (2019) Response of Stigma Receptivity in CMS and Male Fertile Line of Indian Mustard (B. Juncea) under Variable Thermal Conditions. International Journal of Biometeorology 63(2): 143 – 152. DOI:


Although Maity’s research program does not have a formal outreach component, the research questions are derived from the relevant large-scale surveys in growers’ fields and the interactive discussions with growers in the extension meetings. The conclusions and solutions coming out of the research projects are translated into extension recommendations through appropriate extension channels and media.

Students & Support Staff


Andrew “Andy” Ahlersmeyer – Ph.D.

Andy is originally from northeast Indiana, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s in agribusiness from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Most recently, he graduated with a Master’s in plant science (soil fertility focus) from South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD. Andy is working as a Graduate Research Assistant (PhD) in Dr. Aniruddha Maity’s lab, where he aims to connect soil types throughout Alabama with weed ecology, herbicide resistance evolution, and soil seedbank dynamics. His future goal is to combine his agribusiness, soil fertility, and weed science knowledge to become a research agronomist for a seed or chemical company.

559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832


RAKESH KUMAR GHOSHPostdoctoral Research Associate

Rakesh comes from West Bengal, India, with a bachelor’s in agriculture from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India. He completed his master’s and Ph.D. in Agricultural Chemicals from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He has 12 years of work experience as an ARS Scientist in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research system. He received various fellowships and awards including DST-INSPIRE Fellowship, Govt. of India (2010), ICAR-JawaharLal Nehru Award (2014), and AOAC-International (India Chapter) Young Scientist Award (2023), along with 31 research papers, 4 book chapters, 1 book and 9 Indian patents. He has research experiences in the areas of (1) environmental monitoring and assessment of pesticide residues, (2) development of analytical methods for pesticides and metabolites, (3) extraction of bioactive and functional molecules from plant biomass, (4) waste utilization for synthesis of value-added products like activated carbon for water treatment, microcrystalline cellulose for pharmaceutical applications, water soluble bio-band aid,bioplastics for disposable applications, etc. In Dr. Maity’s lab, Rakesh’s current focus areas arebiochar-herbicide interaction and its impact on weed control efficacies, significance of secondary sources of herbicide on resistance development, and screening of bioactive molecules in dominant weed species of southeastern USA.

CASIC 352N (third floor)
559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832

Andrew Ahlersmeyer, Maity Lab photo

Nisith Nishank Purohit – Ph.D.

Nisith, originally from Odisha, India, holds a master’s degree from Punjab Agricultural University and completed his undergraduate studies at Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University in Andhra Pradesh. His master’s research focused on reducing herbicide doses by using tank mix combinations to mitigate herbicide resistance issues. Currently serving as a Ph.D. graduate research assistant in Dr. Aniruddha Maity’s lab, Nisith is eager to explore the untapped territories of weed ecology and herbicide resistance. His ultimate aim is to contribute to the multidimensional aspects of weed science by employing an interdisciplinary approach to benefit the broader research community.

559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832

Andrew Ahlersmeyer, Maity Lab photo

Ravneet Kaur – MS

I Ravneet Kaur, hail from Punjab, India. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana. Currently, I am a Graduate Research Assistant (MS) in Dr. Aniruddha Maity’s Weed Bionomics lab. My research focuses on the weed ecology of tropical spiderwort in Alabama’s cropping systems, specifically exploring its resistance screening and management strategies.
I am enthusiastic about expanding my knowledge in UAV-based weed identification and management. My ultimate goal is to integrate my knowledge of weed science with technological advancements to unveil better weed management practices and support the farming community in achieving efficient and cost-effective weed control. 
559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832


Wilfried Kayaba Ouedraogo – Ph.D.

Wilfried Kayaba Ouedraogo is originally from Burkina Faso in West Africa. He holds an associate degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Natural Resources Management at the Institute of Environment and Agricultural research in Burkina Faso where he conducted extensive research in molecular biology and plant-host resistance. He founded a center that provides agricultural leadership training in his home country. Wilfried began his journey at Auburn University as a Fulbright scholar, where he earned a Master’s degree in Agricultural Sciences Education and has held several leadership positions, including “1887 Society Graduate Student Ambassador” and “Impact Project Coordinator.” Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in Dr. Maity’s Weed Bionomics lab, focusing on innovative weed management techniques. His research activities encompass weed management through cover crops and herbicides, and the utilization of drone imagery for weed identification and management. His ultimate goal is to develop and implement innovative approaches to weed management that enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability. 
559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832


Mahboobeh Mollaee – PH.D.

I am currently a PhD student in the Department of Crop, Soil & Environmental Science, under the supervision of Dr. Aniruddha Maity. I am originally from Iran; I completed my bachelor’s degree in plant pathology at Bahonar University and my Master’s degree in Weed Science at Shiraz University. During my Master, I worked on the effects of herbicides on soil microorganisms. I also had the opportunity to work as a visiting researcher at The University of Queensland, Australia, where I explored the impact of climate change and environmental factors on weed emergence and ecology.

As a PhD student, my research primarily focuses on the weed-crop competition and relevant weed ecology questions. My future goal is to become a weed ecologist working in academia or industry set up. 
559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832


Akashdeep Singh – MS

Akash comes from Punjab, India, with a Bachelor’s in agricultural sciences from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. He is working as a Graduate Research Assistant (MS) in Dr. Aniruddha Maity’s lab, where he aims to study the integrated weed management options in soybean-wheat double cropping systems in Alabama. Akash is also working on UAV-based weed identification and management strategies, alongside a multistate weed survey. Akash aspires to become a multi-dimensional weed scientist with advanced skills and techniques.

559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36832

Past Students

Edgar Posadas Galvez - Visiting Scholar


Edgar, originally from south of Guatemala, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences from Zamorano University, Honduras. Previously he has worked in the area of crop management and also as a visiting scholar in weed science at NC State University. Currently, he is working as a Visiting Research Scholar in Dr. Maity’s lab, where his primary role is to assist the program in diverse weed science research trials across laboratory, greenhouse, and field settings. Edgar aspires to pursue postgraduate school in weed science and thereby be able to combine his experience in crop management and knowledge in weed science to be able to serve the growers while serving in agricultural companies.



Ankit comes from Bhiwani district, Haryana, India. Coming from a farming background, Ankit pursued his education in agriculture, earning a Bachelor’s in agricultural sciences from Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University in Hisar, Haryana. Ankit is working as a Graduate Research Assistant (MS) in Dr. Aniruddha Maity’s lab, where he is studying the biology/ecology and integrated management options for controlling herbicide-resistant Italian ryegrass in Alabama. Additionally, he is involved in multiple state-wide weed surveys to understand the current weed science research needs in the state. Ankit plans to use his weed science skillsets to serve the farming community either through industry or academia engagement in the future.

William Yates - MS


Will comes from Linden, AL, and grew up in an Alabama Cooperative Extension System family. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Auburn University in Biological and Agricultural Technology Management (BATMan). This BATMan degree educated Will on different aspects of Precision Agriculture and has given him the ability to implement them. He is currently working on his MS degree with Dr. Aniruddha Maity. Will’s research focuses on using UAV-based weed identification, assessment of climate change on weed’s evolution, and conducting herbicide screenings on problematic weed species. Will’s future goal is to use the combination of his technological degree and weed science knowledge to serve the farming community in any career capacity.