
Amit Morey

Associate Professor

Poultry Science

(334) 844-8480 


Get In Touch

202-E Poultry Science Building
Auburn Univ, AL 36849



  • Ph.D. Poultry Science, Auburn University, AL
  • MS Seafood Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK
  • M.F.Sc. Industrial Fishery Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, India
  • B.F.Sc. Fish and Fisheries Science, Dr. B.S. Konkan Agricultural University, India


  • 2021-present: Associate Professor, Department of Poultry Science, Auburn University

  • 2015-2020: Assistant Professor, Department of Poultry Science, Auburn University

  • 2014-2015: President, I.D.E.A. Food Industry Consultants, Inc., San Antonio, TX

  • 2012-2013: Principal Scientist, Food Safety Net Services, San Antonio, TX


  • National Proteins and Food Distributors Association

  • International Association for Food Protection (IAFP)

  • Poultry Science Association

  • International Production and Processing Expo

  • Mini Food Safety Summit

  • Professional Ag Workers Conference

  • Manuscript reviewer:

    • Journal of Food Science

    • Food Protection

    • Foodborne Pathogen and Disease

    • LTW

    • Poultry Science

    • Journal of Applied Poultry Research

    • PlosOne

    • Nature Communications

  • Grant reviewer:
    • SARE


    • USDA- Meat and Poultry Plant Expansion Program

    • AU: IGP and E.T. York ISP



We work with poultry processors and further processors to develop and validate novel methods to improve the quality and safety of raw and further processed poultry products. Some of the research initiatives are given below:

Woody breast research: Woody breast myopathy is a major meat quality issue facing the poultry industry and we are conducting research to help the industry to detect the woody breast meat and also utilize it.

Woody breast detection: We are using advanced technologies to study woody breast such as MRI and Elastography. Moreover, we are working with a company to cross-adapt a hand-held bioelectrical impedance device to detect woody breast within 1 sec.

Woody breast remediation: My team has successfully demonstrated methods to reduce toughness of meat from fast-growing jumbo broilers. Moreover, we are working on innovative techniques to further reduce toughness of woody breast meat.

Sustained Antimicrobial Release Mechanisms (SARM):

Novel antimicrobial intervention strategies to reduce meat spoilage, improve food safety and quality are being investigated. We have developed “Functional Ice” or “FICE” to help in extending shelf-life and suppressing pathogens on raw poultry/meats/seafood during storage and transportation.


1. MeatingPlace article on Dr. Morey’s research, 2023.

2. International student Sierra finds passion for food science. Auburn News article on Dr. Morey’s student, 2023.

3. Six news channels in Myanmar covered the presentation.n given to the government on recommendations to improve Myanmar’s poultry industry. Some of the channels “Live Broadcasted” the presentation while some showed it as part of the news. All the channels conducted my separate interview as well.

4. Food Technology Magazine by the Institute of Food Technologists conducted an interview and posted a video as well as a detailed article on my research on their website and printed magazine.

5. LAUNCH Innovation Award on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis to detect woody breast was reported widely in media including The Newsroom and Season Magazine (AU), WRBL (Video interview shown in their news segment), WLTZ and Tech Transfer Central.



  • POUL 5110/6110 — Poultry Processing
  • POUL 5140/6140 — Poultry Further Processing and Products
  • POUL 2100 — Professional Development for Animal Agriculture, Production, Processing & Feed Industries
  • FDSC 5660/6660 — Food Microbiology
  • FDSC 5430/6430 — Food Chemistry (Lab Section)


  • FDSC 5450/6450 — Food Analysis and Quality Assurance (Guest Lab Instructor)
  • AGRI 1000 — Introduction to Agriculture (Guest Lecture)



1. A. Siddique, M.T. Black, B.W. Alvarado, L. Garner, Tung-Shi Hunag, A. Gupta, A. Wilson, J.T. Sawyer and Amit Morey. Effect of Age, Deboning time of carcass, and Different Cooking Conditions on the Woody Breast Myopathies in Chicken: a Meta-analysis. Under review Meat Science.

2. J. Valenta, A. Siddique, E. Tumova, O Slavicek and A. Morey. 2023. White stripping, woody breast and spaghetti meat: Cooccurence and relationship with breast fillet weight in big broiler chicken flock. Czech J. Animal Science, 68(3): 129-140.

3. A. Siddique, C. B. Herron*, J. Valenta*, L. J. Garner, A. Gupta, J. T. Sawyer and A. Morey. 2022. Classification and feature extraction using supervised and unsupervised machine learning approach for broiler woody breast myopathy detection. Foods, 11(20): 3270.

4. C. B. Herron, L. J. Garner, A. Siddique, T-S. Huang, J. C. Campbell, S. Rao, A. Morey. 2022. Building “first expire, first out” models to predict food losses at retail due to cold chain disruption in the last mile. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems:

5. A. Siddique, S. Shirzaei, A. E. Smith, J. Valenta, L. J. Garner, and A. Morey. 2021. Acceptability of artificial intelligence in poultry processing and classification efficiencies of different classification models in the categorisation of breast fillet myopathies. Frontiers in Physiology:

6. F. K. Ovi, C. Bortoluzzi, T. J. Applegate, C. R. Starkey, K. S. Macklin, A. Morey, W. J. Pacheco. 2021. Effects of prepelleting whole corn inclusion on broiler performance, intestinal microbiota, and carcass characteristics. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 30(2):100114.

7. L. E. Yoder, J. G. Rehm, H. R. Smith, D. A. Tigue, B. Wilborn, A. Morey, C. L. Bratcher, E. Blythe, and J. T. Sawyer. 2021. Evaluation of Simulated Shelf-Life Conditions for Food Service Applications on Chicken Tenderloins. Animals, 11(7): 2028.

8. L. J. Garner, L. Brooks, L. F. Spencer, J. Rhem, J. Kataria and A. Morey. 2020. Effect of pre-blended phosphates on the freezing quality characteristics of ground woody breast meat compared to normal meat. Animals. doi: 10.3390/ani10101880.

9. A. Morey, M. L. Johnson, J. Kataria and J. M. Gonzalez. 2020. Studying the effects of collagenase (Type 1) on the collagen in woody breast meat. Animals 10(9):1602-1608.

10. E. U. Chowdhary and A. Morey. 2020. Application of optical technologies in poultry slaughter facilities for the detection of poultry carcass contamination. British Poult. Sci.

11. J. Kataria, L. J. Garner, E. A. Monu, Y. Wang and A. Morey. 2020. Investigating the effects of Functional Ice (FICE) on Salmonella-food safety, microbial spoilage and quality of raw poultry thigh meat during refrigerated storage. PloS ONE. 15(6): e0234781.

12. J. Kataria and A. Morey. 2020. Antimicrobial interventions in poultry processing to improve food safety and shelf-life of raw poultry meat. J. Food Qual. Hazards Control. 7(2): 52-59.

13. A. Morey, A. E. Smith and L. J. Garner. 2020. Application of bioelectrical impedance analysis to detect broiler breast fillets affected with woody breast myopathy. Frontiers Physiology.11:

14. J. A. Porter, A. Morey and E. A. Monu. 2020. Antimicrobial efficacy of white mustard essential oil and carvacrol against Salmonella in refrigerated ground chicken. Poult. Sci.

15. E. U. Chowdhury, F. Wilson, F. Hoerr, J. Roberts, H. Walz, R. Hauck, A. Morey, S. Morgan, K. Joiner, R. Cattley and S. Sengupta. 2020. Hepatic peri-sinusoidal myofibroblast proliferation and systemic inflammatory response precedes sep/tox hepatitis in broilers. Avian Diseases.

16. S. Peixoto, R. Soares, J. F. Silva, S. Hamilton, A. Morey and D. Davis. 2020. Acoustic activity of Leptopenaeus vannamei fed pelleted and extruded diets. Aquaculture.

17. E. U. Chowdhury and A. Morey. 2019. The potential application of intelligent packaging in the poultry industry. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 28(4):791-800.

18. A. Morey and M. L. Johnson. 2019. Effects of extended deboning time on the breast meat quality of fast-growing big broilers. MOJ Food Process. Technol. 7(4):121-126.

19. L. Zhang, A. Morey, S. F. Bilgili, S. R. McKee and L. J. Garner. 2019. Effectiveness of several antimicrobials and the effect of contact time in reducing Salmonella and Campylobacter on poultry drumsticks. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 28(4):1143-1149.

20. D. V. Bourassa, J. L. Lapidus, A. E. Kennedy-Smith and A. Morey. 2019. Efficacy of neutralizing buffered peptone water for recovery of Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Enterobacteriaceae from broiler carcasses at various points along a commercial immersion chilling process with peroxyacetic acid. Poult. Sci. 98(1):393-397.

21. N. Sharma, L. Bambusch, T. Le, A. Morey, M. Hayman, and S. J. Montez. 2014. InstantLabs® Salmonella species detection method: matrix extension. J. AOAC Int. 97(6): 1585-1591.

22. C. Bapanpally, G. Maganty, S. Khan, A. Kasra, and A. Morey. 2014. Immunomagnetic separation and visual fluorescence detection of E. coli O157 using AOAC approved SASTM molecular tests. J. AOAC Int. 97(4): 1073-1077.

23. C. Bapanpally, G. Maganty, S. Khan, A. Kasra, and A. Morey. 2014. Immunomagnetic separation and visual fluorescence detection of Salmonella spp., using AOAC approved SASTM molecular tests. J. AOAC Int. 97(4): 1067-1072.

24. N. Sharma, L. Bambusch, T. Le, and A. Morey. 2014. InstantLabs® Listeria monocytogenes food safety kit. J. AOAC Int. 97(3): 852-861.

25. N. Sharma, L. Bambusch, T. Le, and A. Morey. 2014. InstantLabs® Listeria species food safety kit. J. AOAC Int. 97(3): 843-851.

26. A. C. M. Oliveira, P. J. Bechtel, A. Morey, K. Brenner, and T. J. Lapis. 2014. Chemical composition of Spiny Dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) harvested in Alaska. J. Food Process. Preserve. 38(1): 600-606.

27. A. Morey, B. H. Himelbloom, and A. C. M. Olivieira. 2014. Bacterial diversity and changes towards spoilage microflora of iced Alaska pink salmon. J. Nutri. Health Food Eng. 1(1): 25-29.

28. A. Morey, J. W. Bowers, L. J. Bauermeister, M. Singh, T. S. Huang, T.S. and S. R. McKee. 2014. Effect of salts of organic acids on Listeria monocytogenes, shelf life, meat quality, and consumer acceptability of beef frankfurters. J. Food Sci. 79(1): M54-M60.

29. A. Morey, A. C. M. Oliveira, and B. H. Himelbloom. 2013. Identification of Seafood bacteria from cellular fatty acid analysis via the Sherlock® microbial identification system. J. Biol. Life Sci. 4(2): 139-153.

30. A. Morey, C. L. Bratcher, M. Singh, and S. R. McKee. 2012. Effect of liquid smoke as an ingredient in frankfurters on Listeria monocytogenes and quality attributes. Poult. Sci. 91(9): 2341-2350.

31. A. Morey, S. Singh, and S. R. McKee. 2012. Efficacy of manufacturer recommended microwave time against Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat chicken products. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 11(3): 177-180.

32. A. Morey, S. Singh. 2012. Low-temperature survival of Salmonella spp. in a model food system with natural microflora. Foodborne Path. Dis. 9(3): 218-223.

33. A. Morey, S. R. McKee, J. S. Dickson, and M. Singh. 2010. Efficacy of ultraviolet light exposure against survival of Listeria monocytogenes on conveyor belts. Foodborne Path. Dis. 7(6): 737-740.

34. P. J. Bechtel, A. Morey, A. C. M. Oliveira, T. H. Wu, S. Plante, and C. K. Bower. 2010. Chemical and nutritional properties of Pacific Ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) whole fish and by‐products. J. Food Process. Preserve. 34: 55-72.

35. A. C. Oliveira, P. J. Bechtel, A. Morey, and N. Demir. 2009. Composition of heads and livers of yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) harvested in Alaska. J. Aquatic Food Prod. Technol. 18(1-2): 53-66.