Dean’s Research Award
About the Award
The College of Agriculture Dean’s Research Award recognizes faculty members with high merit of scholarship and exemplary research performance. The award is intended to recognize recent (i.e., last five years) research productivity and achievements — not a lifetime achievement recognition.
All tenured, tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty members, including the research professor series and research fellow IV are eligible for the Dean’s Research Award.
Only one award will be made in this category. Past award winners within the last five years are not eligible for nomination.
All nominations will be evaluated by the College Research Awards Committee.
The annual winners will receive a certificate and a cash award of $1000.00. The award will be presented at the College of Agriculture awards program.
*The award is disbursed following university policy and taxable according to IRS guidelines.
Nominations may be submitted by department heads/chairs, school director or faculty members (including self-nominations).
Required Nomination Material:
- Letter of nomination should include an explanation of how candidate has excelled in responsibilities associated with research.
- Summary of research activities, including specific achievements or accomplishments, graduate student instruction and advising, and programmatic development. This section is limited to three typed pages.
- A list of extramural grants and contracts including all competitive grants, industry support, commodity support, and other types of funding received to support the research, but excluding internal grants, gifts and earmarks.
- A complete list of publications including books, refereed journal articles, and book chapters, but excluding abstracts, meeting proceedings, and presentations.
- Total number of verifiable citations (e.g., SCI/SSCI, Google Scholar, Publish or Perish or other verifiable sources), with a link to the Google Scholar user profile.
- Patents, innovations, significant method or product development, and economic and social impact.
- A list of major professional service activities such as grant review panels, journal editors, professional societies, awards, honors, recognitions, etc.
*Note: Nomination materials must present information ONLY within the last five (5) years (not entire career accomplishments). Nomination information beyond the last five years will not be considered.
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