Dean’s Award for
Excellence in Instruction
About the Award
The College of Agriculture established the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Instruction to recognize scholarship of teaching and learning and the efforts faculty members make to deliver innovative and high-impact instruction to best prepare students for their chosen career.
All faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure-track) with instructional appointment are eligible. Department Heads/Chairs, the Dean, and Associate Deans are not eligible. Recipients of this award will not be eligible for this award for the next two years, but will become eligible again after two years.
The recipient of the award will have demonstrated scholarship in teaching and learning as well as service to students in a manner that exceeds simply fulfilling assigned instructional duties. Innovative approaches to teaching and examples of dedicated efforts are expected of the selected award winner.
The Dean’s Award for Excellence in Instruction is made annually to an individual winner. The winner will receive a cash award of $1000.00 and will be presented at the annual College of Agriculture awards program.
*The award is disbursed following university policy and taxable according to IRS guidelines.
The following information should be provided for each candidate who is nominated.
- Letter of nomination from a faculty member providing an explanation of how the nominee has excelled in instructional responsibilities. This letter should describe instructional activities or other direct interactions with students, evidence of scholarship including innovations in teaching, examples of new courses (if any), student organizations advised, service on teaching-related committees, and professional development activities related to teaching. Self-nominations will be accepted.
- Brief curriculum vita, documenting academic credentials, overall experience in teaching and any formal recognition for teaching excellence, including awards.
Completed nomination packets will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee with a recommendation from the committee made to the Dean. The Dean will have the final approval.
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