My extension agenda involves establishing and maintaining a research-based program to ensure that participants receive the most current and practical information on vegetable and fruit crops pest management, with a concerted effort to reach out to farmers of all levels, from small-scale and beginning farmers to large-scale commercial producers.
My plans also involve:
i. Offering qualified training sessions to develop and deliver a series of material, workshops, and training sessions for Extension educators and growers, focusing on the most pressing V&F IPM issues and practices in Alabama;
ii. Developing collaborations with other regional Entomology Specialists and Extension Educators to create a comprehensive and integrated extension program;
iii. Establishing partnerships with specialists from other disciplines, such as plant pathology, weed science, and horticulture; and
iv. Assisting growers in assessing and managing the risks associated with pest management decisions, focusing on reducing pesticide use and promoting sustainable practices.