
Michelle Elmore

Extension Associate Professor, Beef Cattle Extension Specialist

Animal Sciences

(205) 646-0115 


 (205) 287-1080 

Get In Touch

40 County Rd 756
Clanton, AL 35045



  • Master of Science, Reproductive Physiology, Mississippi State University (2001)
  • Bachelor of Science, Animal Science, Mississippi State University (1998)


    Michelle Elmore is an Extension Associate Professor, serving as a beef cattle specialist, within the Alabama Cooperative Extension System in the Auburn University Animal Sciences Department. She serves as the statewide coordinator for the Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association (BCIA), which is a non-profit organization allied with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Alabama BCIA’s mission is to promote, educate, and facilitate the use of performance data, record keeping, and marketing opportunities for interested beef cattle producers in Alabama. She provides education in beef cattle reproduction, genetics, record keeping practices and systems, breeding animal marketing, beef quality assurance and other best management practices.


  • Extension Associate Professor, Alabama Cooperative Extension System/Auburn University, Auburn, AL (2001-present)


  • Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award Recipient (2017)
  • Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association Board of Directors Honorary Appreciation Award for 13 Years of Success (2014)
  • Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association Outstanding Extension Educator Award (2011)
  • National Association of County Agricultural Agents National Communications Winner-Team Bound Book (2019)
  • National Association of County Agricultural Agents Search for Excellence in Livestock Production State Winner (2011)
  • National Association of County Agricultural Agents Publications Team Newsletter State Winner (2010)
  • National Association of County Agricultural Agents Publications Direct Mail Piece State Winner (2009)


Beef Cattle Extension Specialist


Educational programming centers on performance record keeping as a tool for beef herd improvement for increasing production efficiency and quality. A total herd performance program is provided by the Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association (BCIA) Commercial Record Keeping Program, utilizing a specialized, internet-based system, for hands-on application. Educational efforts also include: increasing the skill of beef producers in genetic selection by better utilization of genetic selection tools, increasing marketing skills and opportunities for seedstock and commercial cattle producers, and facilitating a bull evaluation program to demonstrate the application of performance measurements, bull development, and genetic selection tools.