Advice to new students from senior Morgan Adams

21-year-old woman stands in front of green bushes

Adams shares her uncommon tips for how to succeed at Auburn

Okay, listen up. When it comes to college, everyone has advice and something to say. But I’m here to tell you what they don’t always get to and to set a couple things straight. So, if you’re new to Auburn, or just need some reminders, keep reading for a couple of tips and tricks to navigating the year.

You can take your time to get involved.

When it comes to joining a club or organization, some people are fine with jumping in feet first and full force ahead. However, it’s okay to take your time. Don’t join something just because your roommate does or because you think you have to. You can get yourself settled into college and figure out what kind of schedule or commitment will work best for you. Auburn loves the first 56 and has so many diverse and fun clubs, but that means you can still get involved on Day 55 or even Day 103 instead of Day 1.

Using campus resources doesn’t make you less of a student.

It’s intimidating to ask for help, I get it. I was that student for a while until I felt like I couldn’t get myself out of the hole I dug. When they tell you about those campus resources that are there for students, listen to them. Academic Coaching, the Miller Writing Center, and even just a study group can help you so much in the long run, and all it takes is a little bit of confidence in yourself to know that you are a better student for it than letting yourself struggle.

Don’t wait on other people to do what you want to do.

On and off campus, there are so many events and things going on all the time. Some of them are great for groups, but some of them are just as great going by yourself. Don’t let the fear of going solo stop you from enjoying your time at Auburn to the fullest. A coffee shop concert, a picnic on the lawn, a UPC event, and so much more are such good ways to meet other people or just enjoy yourself and the things you like to do. Embrace the nerves and intimidation that being by yourself can bring and get out of that comfort zone one step at a time.

Make academics fun.

When it comes to school, it’s easy to get bogged down or lazy, especially when you’re managing yourself for the first time. Make learning fun and develop some new ways to keep yourself interested. Whether it’s making a study group, being active in a class GroupMe, or squeezing in an elective that’s completely unrelated to your major, there are ways to find balance and help get yourself through the hard stuff.

Four years is a long time to not be who you are.

This is going to be cheesy, but it never changes; this is the time to find out who you are. You can find a new hobby or interest, learn how to say no or not to be friends with people who you just don’t get along with, or even change your entire closet to clothes that represent you. There’s going to be a lot of scary growth and change in the next four years, but it’s going to be so worth it when you see who you are at the end of it.


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Aug 17, 2023 | Hot Topics, Student Spotlight

<p><a href="" target="_self">Morgan Adams</a></p>

Morgan Adams

Morgan Adams is a senior majoring in Agricultural Communications. In her free time, she is involved in a couple extracurriculars on campus and enjoys spending time outdoors, baking in the kitchen, and reading up a storm.

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