The Noel Lab
The goal of the lab is to improve the livelihood of growers/farmers in Alabama, the US, and the world by addressing biotic and abiotic diseases of crops through research, education, and service.
Wright named ASHS Fellow
Amy Wright, professor of horticulture and associate dean for instruction, was named an American Society for Horticultural Science Fellow at the society’s annual conference Sept. 23-27. ASHS is globally recognized as one of the most respected and influential...
Ru wins ASHS Early Career Competition
Sushan Ru, assistant professor of horticulture, won first place in the Early Career Competition at the American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference Sept. 23-27. ASHS is globally recognized as one of the most respected and influential professional...
Finding frost-tolerant blueberries for Alabama growers
Alabama blueberry farmers could soon start growing more frost-tolerant cultivars thanks to recent research at Auburn University. Most Alabama growers are still heavily relying on the native species rabbiteye (Vaccinium virgatum Ait), while producers in neighboring...