Produce Safety Lab

To support Alabama farmers and the local community by providing food safety information, education through extension, and research activities.

About US

Dr. Camila Rodrigues

Learn more about identifying potential sources of fresh produce contamination during production and processing.

Pathogen Detection

Detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis in irrigation water sources in collaboration with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Team

Very proud of the team! Click here to find out more.

The Produce Safety Lab, under the guidance of Dr. Camila Rodrigues, is housed in the College of Agriculture’s Horticulture Department. Our lab studies a range of topics on food safety including: identifying potential sources of fresh produce contamination; implementing mitigation strategies to minimize the risk of produce contamination on conventional, organic, and soilless farming systems; analyzing microbial risks associated with agricultural water, biological soil amendments, and post-harvest activities; and investigating alternative methods to minimize fresh produce contamination.

Extention Activities

AgWater Safety ProgramThe AgWater Safety Program is an extension program at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System to assist fresh produce growers in Alabama on assessing microbial quality of agricultural water. The program provides FREE water testing and technical support. For more information about this program click on the title link above.

Research Opportunities

If you are interested in joining our research program, please contact us at






Assistant Extension Professor
275 CASIC Building
559 Devall Dr.
Auburn Univ, AL 36849