Auburn Marine Fish Lab
Research at the Auburn Marine Fish Lab examins the fisheries ecology and behaviors of marine fishes.
Some Auburn Marine Fish Lab research projects include, but are not limited to: the effects of explosive removal of oil-gas platforms; red snapper, gray trigger fish, and shark habitat/movements; effects of the BP oil spill on reef fish, DNA analysis of red snappers diet; and comparisons of northern Gulf of Mexico reef fish ecology.
For a complete list of current research projects please click on the link below.
HOW TO REPORT A TAGGED Red Snapper, Triggerfish, or Shark
Presently we are tracking the movements of red snapper, gray triggerfish, and some shark species in the Gulf of Mexico. There are multiple AU research projects underway and we would be happy to help you locate the correct lab at Auburn University to report your tagged fish.
STEP 1: Check your fish’s tag location & color
Did you recapture a Red Snapper fish with a blue tag?
If YES then you’re in the right place! Click open Step 2.
If NOT, and your red snapper fish is has a yellow tag in the back it is most likely from a different tagging study started in 2016 and not our study. Please call contact, or call 1-855-818-9983.
STEP 2: Report Your Tagged Auburn Fish
All of the red snapper and gray triggerfish tagged in our study have blue external tags that have Auburn University, 251-990-4858, and a 4-digit tag number written on the side of them. Most of these tagged fish also have internal tags located within the gut cavity.
Please click on the link for examples of our tags, reward details, return requirements, and instructions on how to Report A Tagged Fish to the AU Marine Fish Lab.