AU Shellfish Lab
Assistant Extension Professor
Andrea is an Assistant Professor in the School of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences. Her research focuses on marine microbiology as it pertains to shellfish health/disease and seafood safety. In addition to research, she serves the industry through Extension programming and by providing support for local shellfish farmers.
Manager, Ag & Natural Resources Program
Scott has been with AUSL for over 30 years and is currently the onsite manager. He focuses on producing oyster larvae for aquaculture and restoration projects, performing research to refine aquaculture techniques, and maintaining broodstock lines. Additionally, Scott serves as a resource for private industry members, researchers, and public agencies.
Advisor III, Natural Resources Program
Glen helps with deploying experimental gear, assisting students in collecting data from the field, and construction projects around the lab. With his knowledge of various farming gear and culture techniques, Glen also serves as a resource for local farmers and those interested in farming.
Research Assistant III
Sarah, an Auburn graduate, is the Jill of all trades around AUSL, doing everything from hatchery and oyster farm production to assisting with research projects. She is also responsible for maintaining long-term monitoring equipment that provide live environmental data to local farmers.

Research Assistant II
Mason graduated from the University of South Alabama with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and Marine Science. With his years of aquaculture experience, Mason assists with the organization, maintenance, and care of farm inventory. In addition, he assists with many other AUSL projects.

Research Technician III
Kevin has a wealth of experience in both public and private aquaculture operations. At AUSL, he is the research farm manager and maintains broodstock and experimental work in the AUSL research plots in Grand Bay and Portersville Bay.

TES Technician
Kayla obtained her Ph.D. from Auburn’s Crustacean and Molluscan Ecology Lab. Her research is focused on how environmental stressors affect diploid and triploid oyster survival in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Extension Specialist

Oyster Aquaculture Business Specialist
Rusty, an Auburn graduate, brings to the team his knowledge of program management and business development. His job is to help farmers navigate the permitting process, as well as helping the farmers streamline their annual harvest reporting process. His goal is to make farmers more successful as businesses.
Graduate Students

Graduate Research Assistant
Heather earned her Master’s from the University of Southern Mississippi focusing on selective breeding of the eastern oyster. At AUSL, she is co-mentored by Dr. Tarnecki and Dr. Stoeckel and she continues to work on selective breeding and developing a reliable broodstock conditioning protocol for the Gulf of Mexico.

Ph.D. Program
Luke earned his Master’s degree from Auburn University on bird interactions with floating oyster aquaculture gear. He is continuing this research while working towards his PhD under the DISL-FDA Fellowship program, co-mentored by Dr. Tarnecki and Dr. Pruente from the FDA. Specifically, he will focus on potential transfer of bacteria from birds to oysters in the marine environment.

Graduate Research Assistant
Zophia graduated with a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries biology from Frostburg State University and is now a Master’s student at the shellfish lab. She is working with Dr. Tarnecki and her research focus is looking at maternal effects and gamete quality in Eastern oysters.

Graduate Research Assistant
Alec graduated with a B.S. in Marine Science from the University of Maine and is now a student at the Auburn University Shellfish Lab pursuing a MS. He is working with Dr. Tarnecki focusing on human pathogenic Vibrio in oysters, improved testing methodology, and farm practices impacting their abundance.

Graduate Research Assistant
Jack is a Masters student in Auburn’s Crustacean and Molluscan Ecology Lab headed by Dr. Jim Stoeckel. His research is studying thermal tolerance of diploid oyster spat in the LAFT genetic line. This work is to select for oysters that have a tolerance to higher water temperatures.
Lab Resources
Auburn University Shellfish Laboratory
150 Agassiz St
Dauphin Island, AL 36528
(251) 861-3018