Experimental Economics
Lab Publications
- Duke, Joshua M., and TianHang Gao. 2021. Land Value Taxation: A Spatially Explicit Economic Experiment with Endogenous Institutions. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Early access 22 pages.
- Duke, Joshua M., John C. Bernard, and Gregory Vitz. 2021. A new food label to aid farmland preservation programs: Evidence from a field experiment. Food Policy 99:102011.
- Duke, Joshua M., Zhongyuan Liu, Jordan Suter, Kent Messer, Holly Michael. 2020. Some taxes are better than others: An economic experiment analyzing groundwater management in a spatially explicit aquifer. Water Resources Research. 56(7):1-18.
- Bernard, John C., Joshua M. Duke, and Sara E. Albrecht. 2019. Do labels that convey minimal, redundant, or no information affect consumer perceptions and willingness to pay? Food Quality and Preference 71:149-157.
- Palm-Forster, Leah H., and Joshua M. Duke. 2019. An endogenous equilibrium game on traffic congestion externalities. The Journal of Economic Education 50(1):57-69.
- Suter, J., S. Collie, K.D. Messer, J.M. Duke, H. Michael. 2019. Common pool resource management at the extensive and intensive margins: Experimental evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics 73(4):973-93.
- Duke, Joshua M., and TianHang Gao. 2018. An experimental economics investigation of the land value tax: Efficiency, acceptability, and positional goods. Land Economics 94(4):475-495.
- Fooks, Jacob R., Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, Janet B. Johnson, and George R. Parsons. 2017. Continuous Attribute Values in a Simulation Environment: Offshore Energy Production and Mid-Atlantic Beach Visitation. Energy Policy 110:288-302.
- Fooks, Jacob R., Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, Janet B. Johnson, Tongzhe Li, and George R. Parsons. 2017. Tourist Viewshed Externalities and Wind Energy Production. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 46(2):224-41.
- Duke, Joshua M., Kent D. Messer, Lori Lynch and Tongzhe Li. 2017. The Effect of Information on Discriminatory-Price and Uniform-Price Reverse Auction Efficiency: An Experimental Economics Study of the Purchase of Ecosystem Services”, Strategic Behavior and the Environment 7(1–2):41-71
- Messer, Kent D., Joshua M. Duke, Lori Lynch, and Tongzhe Li. 2017. When does public information undermine the efficiency of reverse auctions for the purchase of ecosystem services? Ecological Economics, 134:212-226.
- Duke, Joshua M. and David Sassoon. 2017. A classroom game on a negative externality correcting tax: Revenue return, regressivity, and the double dividend. Journal of Economic Education 48(2):65-73.
- Fooks, Jacob, Nate Higgins, Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, Daniel Hellerstein, and Lori Lynch. 2016. Conserving spatially explicit benefits in ecosystem service markets: Lab and artefactual field tests of network bonuses and spatial targeting. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(2):468-88.
- Fooks, Jacob R., Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke. 2015. Dynamic entry, reverse auctions, and the purchase of ecosystem services. Land Economics 91(1):57-75.
- Liu, Zhuo, Jordan F. Suter, Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, and Holly A. Michael. 2014. Strategic entry and externalities in groundwater resources: Evidence from the lab. Resource and Energy Economics 38:181-197
- Li, Jingyuan, Holly A. Michael, Joshua M. Duke, Kent D. Messer, Jordan F. Suter. 2014. Behavioral response to contamination risk information in a spatially explicit groundwater environment: Experimental evidence. Water Resources Research 50(8):6390–6405.
- Messer, Kent D., Joshua M. Duke, and Lori Lynch. 2014. Applying experiments to land economics: Public information and auction efficiency in ecosystem service markets. In The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics, ed. J.M. Duke and J. Wu. New York: Oxford University Press, 481-510.
- Arnold, Michael A., Joshua M. Duke, and Kent D. Messer. 2013. Adverse selection in reverse auctions for ecosystem services. Land Economics 89(3):387-412.
- Suter, Jordan F., Joshua M. Duke, Kent D. Messer, and Holly A. Michael. 2012. Behavior in a spatially-explicit groundwater resource: Evidence from the lab. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94(5):1094-1112.
Assistant Professor, Lab Leader
Comer Hall 302
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
7:45AM – 4:45PM
Except Univ. Holidays
7:45AM – 4:45PM
Except Univ. Holidays
Weekend Hours
For selected experiments weekend schedules will be provided for participants at the beginning of the study.